Chapter 15~ Let's Talk About Sex Baby

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

I pushed Harry up against the door and began to kiss him passionately. His plump pink lips opened slightly and I took that as my opportunity to slip in my tongue. We rubbed our tongues against each other in an erotic dance, moaning with every brush. I broke away to pull his shirt off and before I knew it, mine was off as well.

I let my fingers trail on his soft smooth skin. "You're beautiful, Haz," I whispered and then started to kiss him again.

We kissed and grinded, picking up speed. I slowed it down by making a mark on him. He's mine. I bit, sucked, and kissed until there were tons of hickeys leading from his shoulder up to his neck. I finally started on his sweet spot, making him moan with ecstasy.

"Bed," he whispered as he grabbed me, switching our position and pushed me towards it.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed with me. He climbed on top of me and began to kiss me sweetly and slowly.

His lips left mine and he began to suck on the sensitive spot on my neck. "Harry," I moaned.

When he was satisfied, he made his way down to my nipple. He flicked it with his tongue and I gasped. He swirled his tongue around it and alternated between that and sucking while he moved his thumb in circles around the other.

By the time he was done, my nipple was as hard as my growing excitement. He slipped off my jeans and started to grind on me again. I was throbbing and moaning. He kept going and going 'til he was pleased with the growing tent in my boxers.

He went down and licked the front if the fabric of my boxers.

"Do you like that?" He asked.

I couldn't even reply, but I knew he knew I did.

Suddenly, I was exposed to the cold air. He started to rub me up and down as I got painfully hard. With every stroke I lost it more and more. He pumped me with his hands, making me arch my back, shivers running down my spine. My hips bucked, thrusting me into his hands.

He decided to go faster, pumping me hard and fast. I couldn't even breathe. I don't know if I was even making any noises because my mind was too focused on the pleasure and passion of Harry's actions. "Harry I'm going to-" And then his hands were off me.

"No, not yet," he said.

I whimpered, needing the release that it would bring. I wanted the touch of his hands again. I needed it and I needed it now.

Harry was about to take me into his mouth, when I realized how wrong this was.

"Nooo!" I yelled, sitting up. I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

Sunlight was coming in through my window and there was no sign of any sexual activity whatsoever. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and I realized what had happened. I'd had a nightmare.

About sex?

Harry groaned beside me and sat up, looking extremely tired. "Lou? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm okay," I said.

He looked at me oddly. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it was just a dream."

He didn't seem convinced. "Okay..."

I cleared my throat, "I'm going to go take a shower and start getting ready for school. You should too."

Harry was already laying back down. "In five minutes," he said.

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