Chapter 7: What's wrong?

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Blair's POV

I sighed deep.

"Well that's a deep sigh."

I looked up and saw Willow at the door, when did she get there? Luke just left. They must've seen each other... I mean, there's no other possibility.

Willow entered my room and closed the door. She sat down onto my bed again, caressing my cheek. "How are you?"

I still felt intimidated by her, but at the same time, I felt like she'd take care of me. I can't really explain, I just feel like she got it. "I don't know."

She looked at me. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged.

"You feel sad?"

I looked away.


I shrugged again, it's fascinating how she seemed to understand me even when I said nothing. Is this how it feels to really know someone? I mean I know I can do that with Luke.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I looked at her. "I don't want to go back to school."

"Silly," She brushed the hair out of my eyes, caressing my cheeks. "You don't have to worry, you're not alone. You never were."

I huffed a little. "I was, I always sit alone and no one talks to me, they all think I'm crazy and weird..." I sighed.

"Maybe, but they're not wrong."

At this I looked at her, shocked once again that she'd say that to me, just like that. She was brutally honest, like very brutally honest. "W-what?"

"Listen, all I'm saying is that you're no longer alone. I'm here."

"Why?" I should be happy that she's here, with me. But I knew better. I mean why did she suddenly appear and why is she acting as a friend of mine? I don't get that.

She smiled, caressing my cheek. She kept on looking at me but didn't answer me. She just stared at me.

I gulped. What was I supposed to do here?

She leaned in closer.

In response I retreated, hoping for her to not come any closer. But she just did that. She leaned closer and closer, until I felt her kiss my forehead.

"I'm here for you, ok?" she whispered, staying close to me.

I nodded, this was a bizarre thing.

She pulled back, looking at me. She smiled while caressing my face. "We'll be together, always. And no one's going to come in between us. Ever." She pulled back more, I think to have a better look at me. "Ok?"

I slowly nodded. It's weird, but the way she was talking... It made me feel safe, in a weird way. I wanted her to be here with me, forever. Even though I felt that she was bad news.

"Good." She smiled.


"Welcome home, sis!" Luke smiled as he slowly pushed me inside the house. "I made your favorite meal for dinner, your bed's ready and I bought some new movies."

I smiled, I liked this, a lot. He was trying to make me feel happy. It was nice. "Thanks, Luke."

"Of course." He smiled as he walked upstairs, probably to put my bag away in my room.

I looked around, it's been a while since I've been here. A week or two, I think. I don't know. And still nothing had changed.

I walked to the tv, to the couch. I sat down and saw dinner on the coffee table. It really looked good.

"Back." Luke said as he let himself fall back in the couch. "So, what do you think?"

I smiled. "This looks really good. I'm really happy about this."

He smiled as well. "Good." He pushed on the remote and the movie started.

"What's this movie called?" I asked, taking a bite of my meal.

Luke shrugged. "Nick has given it to me, he said you'd like it."

At that I felt something in me. I don't know why but I just knew that it was going to be something that would upset me. Because, like I said before, Nick is very mean.


Luke's POV

I put my plate down onto the coffee table but kept my eyes on the screen, this really was a good movie. I can see why Nick said we'd enjoy this.

Suddenly Blair stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked, not really looking at her.

She didn't answer me, she just left. I think she's bringing our plates to the kitchen.

When she didn't come back after 5 minutes, I decided to check it out. "Blair?" She wasn't in the kitchen. "Blair?"

I went upstairs, to her room. When I was at her door, I heard her talk. Did she invite someone over?

I backed off a little, I mean I want to give her her privacy, but at the same time I don't like the fact she'd invite someone in her room... What if she's going to do something she'll regret?

I looked back at the door, I had to know.

I walked to her door and wanted to enter, but it was locked... "Blair?" Nothing, just silence. "Blair, open this door!"

I heard a lot of noise in her room, and after a few minutes the door finally opened. "What?"

I pushed past her. I looked around, there was no one.

"Luke, what are you doing here?"

I turned to face her. "What's going on, Blair? I planned this whole evening: we'd have a nice meal, then watch a fun movie, then maybe another one. And you just left."

"That movie wasn't fun at all, it was very mean."

I shook my head no. "It is a good movie, Blair."

"Nick said I'd like it, Luke!"

"Yes, so?"

She looked down, shaking her head.

"What? Tell me!"

She looked up at me. "The movie is about a girl that's depressed and wants to kill herself!"

"It's about a girl that has a low self-esteem but gets over it. He wants you to get over it, Blair."

She shook her head no. "The girl kills herself, Luke. I've looked it up."

I looked down. "It is a good movie, Blair." I looked back up, in her eyes. "He didn't mean anything with it, just that it was a good movie."

She huffed. "Sure, as long as you believe that."

I was taken back by that, the way she speaks to me... This isn't my sister. "Blair, what happened to you?"

She turned around, arms folded. "Just leave me alone."

"Fine, whatever." I left the room and made sure the door would smash closed behind me.

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