Chapter 17: Be honest

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Rachel's POV

I looked everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. She must have ran out of school... But why? That'll only give her more problems.

I sighed. Poor Blair, she seemed so sad, so depressed. I wanted to be there for her, take care of her, help her and protect her. She's like the little sister I've always wanted.

It's all my fault, I should've protected her better. I should've waited outside the cafeteria.

I went back to the cafeteria, meeting up with Luke and his friends. "Hey babe." He acted as if nothing even happened. I'm really disappointed in him.

I sat down, I was so pissed.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arm around me, but I shook it off.

"Well well, Luke, seems like your girl doesn't want attention." Nick said. Ugh that idiot hurt her, I'm sure of it.

"Maybe I don't want to be pathetic like you and ask for attention all the time!"

"Rachel, stop!" Luke said, the table got quiet. "What's gotten into you?"

I glared at him. "Are you serious?! Your sister ran off, crying, and you're just sitting here with these idiots! It's his fault!" I pointed to Nick. "He's so mean to her!"

"Enough!" Nick said, standing up. "I'm not letting you insult me. I did nothing wrong. Blair just fell and everyone laughed, how is that my fault?"

"I bet you pushed her."

He chuckled. He so did!

"If something bad happens to her, I swear - "

"If something bad happens to her at least all the drama would stop, and we'd all be happy."

My eyes widened. Oh no, he didn't just say that! I looked at Luke, seeing him look down. How could he not do anything, at all?

"And everyone agrees with me. So sit down and shut up." Nick said, sitting down again.

I was so frustrated right now. I got up and left, I was done with these people.


I ignored them the whole day, I was done with them. I hate them for hurting Blair, she did nothing wrong.

When school was over, Luke pulled me aside. "Listen, I know lunch was bad, but - "

"It was awful!"

"Yeah, I know, but - "

"How could you not have defended your own sister, Luke?" I asked in disbelieve. "She needs her brother, but you're choosing the side of the bullies. How is she supposed to feel?"

He looked down. "I'm sorry, I just don't want that drama anymore. I'm so tired of it."

"How must Blair feel then?" I closed my locker and left, leaving him there all alone.

"Please." He ran after me. "Come home with me, we can talk to Blair together. Maybe be honest with her."

I stopped. I should be honest with her. I don't want her to hear it from anyone else, that'd just hurt her even more. I sighed. "Ok."

"Ok, good." He took my hand and pulled me with him to his car. We entered and waited.

I looked at him. "What are you waiting for?"

He looked outside.



"What are you waiting for?"

He looked at me. "For Blair."

I sighed deep. "She's not at school anymore."

At this he paid full attention. "What do you mean, where is she then?"

"Home, I think. Not here at least, she ran off during lunch."

Luke looked away, I wonder if he finally understood that this was serious... "Ok." He simply said before starting the car.

We drove home, in silence. I had nothing to say to him. All I could think of, was Blair.

When we finally arrived, I immediately got out and ran inside. "Blair?!" I ran through the whole house. "Blair?!"

Luke entered too. "She's probably in her room."

We both ran upstairs, to her room. We entered and saw her, lying in her bed. I walked closer, slowly. I went to lie down next to her. "Blair?"

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Blair, I'm so - "

Suddenly, she launched herself at me, crying in my arms.

I held her as best as I could, trying to comfort her and calm her at the same time. "Blair, I'm so sorry." I said softly. "I'm never going to leave you alone anymore."

I looked at Luke, seeing him look at this. He seemed lost and confused, as if he didn't know this was going on.

"We're here for you." I caressed her cheeks. "Both of us."

Blair looked behind her, at Luke. She looked back at me, and then laid down again. "I'm fine." She finally said.

"No, you're not." I said, caressing her cheek. "You're hurt."

She looked at me. "I'm not, I'm fine."

I looked at Luke, motioning him to talk too, but he kept quiet. "Listen, we have to be honest with you." I said, looking from Blair to Luke.

Luke finally made his way around, sitting down next to me. 

Blair just looked at us, and something tells me she already knew...

"Blair, me and Rachel are together." Luke said, smiling a little. "I hope you're happy for us, and that you're willing to share your friend with me." Oh he didn't know how much he must hurt her... "At least now we can act normal around each other."

Blair nodded, looking away.

"Well aren't you happy for us?" He really had no clue.

"Let her be, she needs time to process this."

Luke looked from me to her. "Ok." He got up. "I'll call for pizzas." he said and left the room.

I looked at Blair again, seeing her look at nothing in particular. She seemed to be in very deep thoughts, I wonder what's going in her mind and why she's not sharing it with me. 


She looked at me, her eyes emotionless. It seemed as if the light that was once in there, had vanished.

I reached for her cheek but she got up before I could.

"Let's go downstairs."

I looked at her. "We can talk about this, you know." I looked down. "I know this must be hard on you. But the truth is, me and Luke have been together for a while now. And that's also why I couldn't be with you. I love you, Blair, really. But I consider you as my sister." I looked back up at her.

She looked down.

I got up slowly and walked to her. "I'm sorry." I hugged her from behind.

"Let's go." She walked out of my hug and left her room.

I sighed and followed.

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