Chapter 25: A (broken) promise

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Blair's POV

I opened my eyes, letting them fill with light. Only my bedside lamp was on, giving my room a nice and cozy atmosphere.


I looked up, slightly. "Hey."

Willow kissed my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "I don't know if I did the right thing." Willow sighed pretty deep at that. I looked up again. "What do you think?"

She looked away. "I think you shouldn't have done that."

At that, I sat up. "What do you mean?"

Willow sat up too. "How well do you know this Rachel? Is she really trustworthy? Why tell other people about this? What's wrong with keeping it between us? We took care of it."

I looked down, realizing she might be right, once again. "I trust Rachel." I looked up again. "She'll help me, she'll help us." I reached for Willow's hand, intertwining our fingers. "I want us to be happy again, Willow."

"You know that girl won't do anything with this information."

"Why wouldn't she?"

Willow got up, pacing around. "I just don't trust her." She stopped for a moment, looking at me. "What if she tells someone else? Then what will we do?"

"She won't - "

"She has the power to break you, Blair!"

I was surprised at Willow's outburst. I hadn't seen her act like this, ever. "Why are you so scared of Rachel?"

Willow looked down, crossing her arms in front of her. She was hiding something.

I stood up, walking to her. "Hey," I wrapped my arms around her neck. "She'll keep her promise to me. I know she will."

Willow looked away.

"Come on," I caressed her cheek. "Don't be like this."

Willow pushed me off and walked to this window. "I can't do this anymore."

I walked after her, blinking at what she said. "What? What can't you do anymore?" I don't know why, but I started panicking. "Willow, nothing will change between us. We'll be together forever. I swear."

She looked away again, sighing. "I can't stay here, not with nosy Rachel."

I looked down. "I trust her, Willow. Please." I presented my hand, for her to take it.

She sighed. "I'm sorry," She leaned out of the window, ready to get home herself. "I can't." And with that, she left.

"Willow!" I saw her running away, to who knows where. "Please, don't leave me!" I cried, I felt so alone. Yet again.

"Blair!" I got pulled back inside, since I was leaning out of my window. "Hey," Rachel said, pulling me in for a hug. "It's ok."

I cried in her arms. "She left me." I sniffled. "Willow. She left me." I looked at Rachel. "How could she do that to me?"

Rachel gave me an apologetic look, she obviously didn't know what to say to that. Who would, really? "It's ok." She hugged me again, shushing me in the process.


Rachel's POV

Poor Blair.

I felt so upset with what I knew right now. She told me everything, and I let her. I listened and comforted her, I didn't interrupt her story once. I felt like that'd have the opposite effect: she'd close up again...

I felt so bad, hearing that. And I thought it couldn't get worse. But then Willow apparently left her... How could she do that? How can you leave your girlfriend, at a time like this?

Willow broke Blair, just as much as Nick, if not more... I had a bad feeling about this Willow-girl, and it only grew. The more I knew about her, the less I trusted her.

Eventually I managed to calm down Blair. I laid her in her bed and stayed with her, until she fell asleep.

She looked so peacefully when she slept, such a contrast with how she feels... Today really has been a hard day for her. But tomorrow, we'll make it better.

I left Blair like that, sleeping. She'll need that. I'm sure of that. And I got downstairs, to Luke. Him and me... We weren't really good again, I was still mad at him for acting the way he did. But he told me he finally realized he needed to do something for his sister. And I believe him. I know he'll change, for her. He has to.

I went to sit down again, in the couch, with him. "Hey." I sighed.

He looked at me. "How is she?"

I shrugged.

He turned off the tv. "What's going on, Rach?"

"Nothing," I looked away, I couldn't tell him. I promised Blair it'd stay between us. "I'm just sad, that's all."

"It's sad that Willow left her, but maybe they had a fight...?"

I sighed and nodded. "Maybe." I hate not being able to talk about it with someone. Especially her brother.

"Rach," He made me look at him, his eyes were full of worries. He knew something else was going on, I'm sure he could practically read it off of my face. "What's going on?"

I looked away, again. "Luke," I sighed, burying my face in my hands. "I can't."

"You can't what?" His full attention was on me now. "Rach, you're scaring me."

I sighed, I had to tell him. He had to know. Blair's his sister, his little sister... I looked down. "Blair, she..." I let out a breath, trying to keep myself from crying.

"She what?" He was scared, I could hear it in his voice.

I looked at him, by now my eyes were filled with tears. "She's cutting herself."

Luke's face changed from worry to shock. He looked down, his eyes already tearing up. He gulped, probably to try to hide his tears for me. "How?"

"Whatever she can find. She cuts her arms." I went over my arms, making Luke look at me. "They are marked with cuts, Luke, everywhere." I sniffled. "She feels so depressed, so alone and so mistreated..." I looked down again. "She felt like the pain was too much, she wanted to escape it all like that." I stopped there, crying.

Luke gulped, he looked at me in disbelieve, in shock. "Is it really that bad?"

I buried my head in my arms, covering myself for something, anything. I nodded.

He stood up. "I have to talk to her."

At that I looked up. "You can't," I pulled him down again. "She doesn't want to talk about it, to anyone." I sniffled once again. "Luke, we have to do something, to help her."

Luke looked down, nodding. 

After that, neither of us said anything. We were both processing this news, of Blair. We hugged as well, we found support by each other. I hope we can be Blair's support from now on.

I know she didn't want me telling Luke, but I feel like he needed to know. I can only hope she'll understand...

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