Chapter 38: The dance - Part 1

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Blair's POV

The next day, school went fine. Luke and Rachel seemed to have made up. They had spend most of the day together, including lunch. In doing so, they left me alone with Luke's friends. However Nick was nice to me, he and me talked a lot about the dance that'd happen that night. I was still pleasantly surprised about his change.

When we got home, mom and dad were talking. They were holding some forms, mom held her phone and dad was scribbling things. However, when they saw us, they stopped.

Dad greeted me dearly and helped me with homework. Mom watched tv, as always. Luke went upstairs, to his room.

Later that evening I was allowed to go to my bedroom. There was a catch though, my mom was coming with me. She was watching me closely as I was getting ready for the dance. She helped me with the dress and with my hair. When she did that, I remember Rachel telling me she'd do that for me...

When I was ready, mom smiled at me, telling me I looked beautiful. She guided me back downstairs where Nick was waiting with dad.

Mom and dad took some pictures of us, and later also of Rachel and Luke. After that, we all drove to the dance, in Luke's car.

We arrived and walked to the gym, where the dance was held. Nick walked us inside. "It looks good."

I nodded. I didn't know what to talk to him about. Usually he started to talk about something, and I continued. So I'm hoping he has many ideas to start a conversation, otherwise this'll be a long night...

He looked at me. "Have I already told you how beautiful you look?" He smiled. "You really look beautiful."

I smiled and blushed, that was really sweet of him to say. "Thank you, you look good too."

"Always." He looked at the dance floor. "So, do you want to dance?"

Before I could answer, he pulled me with him to the dance floor. He started doing some dance moves, and it looked really good.

I was trying to blend in with the crowd. Just do something, move your arms a little and swing.

That all worked fine until a slow song came on. Nick smiled at me and rested his hands around my waist while I rested mine on his shoulders. He smiled at me while we slowly danced.

During the song, we saw Rachel and Luke pass by. Luke was smiling at Nick, motioning him a thumbs up. I wonder what he was thinking was going to happen.

After that song, I told Nick I'd get something to drink. And so I walked off the dance floor and back to our table.

I went to sit down with my drink and watched everyone.


I looked at my left and saw Rachel sit down next to me. "Hi." I took another sip.

"Blair," She sighed. "I'm sorry."

I looked at her. "What for?"

"For not helping you get ready."

I shrugged. "It's just a dance, not my wedding." I smiled a little.

She smiled as well. "Are we good?"

I nodded. "Of course."

We sat there for a while, not really talking but just looking at the other people dancing around. At some point, Rachel turned to me again. "Do you enjoy your night?"

I looked at her. "Yeah," I looked at Nick and Luke, dancing like crazy. "Nick's really nice to me now." I then looked at Rachel, who looked worried. "I'm thankful for that."

"He better stay that way."

I reached for her hand, which made her look at me. "Don't worry, I believe he's actually nice. I think he needed a little push to wake up. And I'm happy he did because I enjoy his company."

"You do?"

I nodded.

"Well I'm happy for that." She smiled at me. Right then, a more upbeat song came on. "Come on," Rachel said, already getting up. "Let's dance!" She pulled me with her to the dance floor. And together, also with Luke and Nick, we danced for what felt like hours. I can honestly say, I never felt so happy as right here, right now.

After that song, Nick took my hand and told me he wanted to go for a walk. He told Luke and Rachel he'd want to have a conversation with me, a private one. So I was guessing it had to do with his previous behavior towards me. Because I remember he didn't like people hearing him being like that.

He held my hand while we walked through the quiet and fairly abandoned hallways. We walked slowly.

"So," I looked at him. "What did you want to talk about?"

He looked at me before looking around.

"Nick?" He seemed to think about something, probably about what he was going to say. "Is this about what happened between us before?"

He looked at me while we kept on walking. "What do you mean?"

"You know, before you and I became friends."

He raised his eyebrows. "Friends?"

I nodded. "Yes, before we became friends."

"Right, well..." He let go of me and backed off a little. "Well I wanted to show you something," He smiled, taking out his phone. "As friends." He added.

I nodded, smiling at him. "What?"

"Well..." He gave me a look, a sheepish smile before I saw two figures appear in the corner of my eyes. Before I realized what was going on, something was being thrown over me.

I rubbed the stuff away from my face and then looked up, seeing Nick and two of his friends film this whole incident.

"Nick, what is this?" I felt like crying, I felt dirty and humiliated.

"Well 'friend', these," He motioned to the two people who threw something over me. "These are my friends, they helped me get enough paint to make you the star of the evening."

I looked at myself, at my dress and at my entire body. I couldn't help it, I started crying. I looked back up at him. "Why are you doing this to me, Nick? I thought we were good, I thought we were friends."

He laughed, his irritating and mean laugh again. "Nope, I just wanted to get you here, for this." He looked at my right. "Guys." He motioned something and suddenly more paint was thrown over me.

I cried and cried.

"My my, Blair, you look so beautiful." He and his friends laughed.

I turned around and ran away, I was done with this dance and this school and these people. I was just done with everything.

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