Chapter 31: Will you be my date?

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Blair's POV

We were driving to school. Rachel and Luke were sitting at front, they were talking quietly. I was sitting in the back, looking out the window.

"So, Blair," Luke started, but I didn't look at him. I was upset with him. He didn't seem to think this was serious. I felt like he brushed the problems away. But I'll play along, as always. "Why don't we have lunch together?" I felt his stare on me. "I bet my friends would love to see you again. And bring Willow too."

"Or we could have lunch, just us girls." Rachel proposed. I bet she's feeling guilty. She broke our promise, and now she's trying to find a way to make it up somehow.

I let out a breath. "I'll have lunch with Willow." I looked outside, through the window. "Alone." I added.

"Why don't you two just join us?" Luke tried again.

I sighed, this was useless anyway.

Soon we arrived at school. I got out pretty fast and started making my way towards school. I wasn't in the mood to talk to them, at all.

Walking to my locker, through these hallways, was always something I feared. I just hate the stares people gave me, I knew they were thinking something, they were probably judging me...

I reached my locker and opened it. I took the stuff I needed when I suddenly heard noise on the lockers next to mine. I slowly looked to my left and saw Nick there, with two of his friends.

"Hey Nick." Ugh what did he want? Please don't be mean.

He has a smirk on his face, and by now I knew that that always meant bad things were going to happen. "Hey Blair."

I gulped, what did he want? "What can I do for you?"

He looked behind him, to his two friends and motioned them to leave. That was weird actually. Nick is someone who loves to have minions with him, so he feels even more powerful. "I actually want to ask you something."

Here it comes... I was preparing myself for his snarky remarks, or his insults or whatever. I simply nodded.

He reached for my hand, holding it in his. I looked at it, confused, while he smiled. "Will you be my date to the dance?"


His smirk changed into a smile, it seemed... Genuine... "Will you be my date to the dance?"

Ok first of, what? Second of all, what?! He wants me to be his date? He hates me, I know he does. Why is he doing this? What does he gain from this? Also, is there a dance? "I didn't know there was a dance."

He nodded. "This Friday actually. And I'd really like you to be my date."

I looked away, why is he doing this? "Why?"

He made me look at him again. "Because I want to make up to you." I blinked. "I was an awful person to you and... Well I didn't know you felt so bad because of me." He looked down, taking a moment before looking back up at me. "I want to make it up to you and actually have a good time with you, you seem like a very nice girl." He smiled.

Was he serious? Did he really mean this? I wonder... I wonder if he send his minions away because he didn't want them to hear him say this to me... I slowly smiled. "That's very nice of you. Thank you."

He smiled ever more. "Is that a yes?"

I slowly nodded. "Yes, I'll be your date."

"Awesome." He hugged me, suddenly. This was so weird...

"What's going on here?"

He pulled back, to which I saw Rachel and Luke. They were both looking at this with very different facial expressions.

Luke looked happy, he was glad his best friend was hugging his sister. Maybe Nick also did this out of guilt towards Luke...? Maybe their friendship is more than just Nick bossing Luke around.

Rachel however she wasn't having this. She looked worried and angry too. I bet she was worried about Nick being mean to me. That's probably why she's angry too, she must be angry at Nick for coming so close to me.

"Nothing, I just asked Blair to be my date for the dance on Friday." He smiled again. I think I saw him smile more these past 10 minutes than I've ever seen him smile before. And I mean genuine smiles, no smirks.

Rachel's eyebrows raised. "You what?" She then looked at me. "What did you say?"

"I agreed." At that her eyes widened. "I don't want drama, so why not do this?"

Before Rachel could say something else, Luke responded: "Exactly." He smiled. "I'm so happy with this. Now we can do a double date!" He pulled me and Nick in for a hug. "Friday will be amazing!"


"I can't believe you said yes to him."

I let out a breath. "I wouldn't have, but his reason for it is good." I looked at her. "He wants to make up to me, and who am I to not give him a shot?"

She came closer to me. "He intentionally hurt you, Blair. You had every right to deny his request."

"I know."

She looked away, she seemed... Jealous? "Is my Willow jealous?" I teased.

She looked at me, an amused look on her face. "So what if I am?"

I chuckled. "You know there's no one else I'd rather go with then you."

"Then why didn't you ask me to go with you?"

I sat up immediately. "You would've gone with me?"

"I guess we'll never know."

I shook my head no, amused. Of course she had to tease me back... "I love you, Willow. And I would've loved for you to be my date." I slowly made my way on her lap. I wrapped my arms around her neck. "But I knew you wouldn't go to that dance."

"How would you know?"

I smiled, already knowing I won this argument. "Because you refuse to meet my brother and Rachel."

She slowly nodded. "True."

I leaned in closer, but not to kiss her. I let my head rest in the crook of her neck. I felt her pull me closer to her, as if protecting me. "I love you, Willow."

She sighed happily. "I love you too, Blair." She kissed my head which relaxed me even more. We then proceeded to stay like this for the remainder of lunch break.

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