Chapter 1: Welcome to Blair's world

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Blair's POV


Why are you here?

There's nothing to see here, it's just me.

And even that, why do you care about me?

No one does. So why do you?

Come on, go away. Like everyone else does.

I mean...

I'm invisible, you shouldn't be seeing me.

Besides, I'm alone, a nobody. So it's best if you just go.

Why are you still here? Do you want something from me? I mean I don't know what to do or say here, you've got to help me.

Ugh! Fine, have it your way.

I'll tell you my story. But I warn you, this isn't for everyone. Some might feel... Some might feel like they can relate, and that's something I can't have here.

Some might not be able to take it. It's a... I'm not going to lie, I've had a very bad experience. If you're committed, then I guess we'll start the story.

Right, here goes nothing... I guess.


So... My name's Blair Heller. I'm 16 years old and alone, yeah I have no friends really.

Well my only friend is Luke. My brother. He's 17 years old and he takes care of me, a lot. He often tells me he's worried about me, but I don't get why he says that. He knows I'll be fine, I mean... We all will someday, right?

So my brother was everything to me. Not only was he my only friend, he also was like the person that took care of me. More than my parents did. 

He taught me how to ride a bike, he got me at school, he made food for us... And this all for a young boy. Sure we were only like 1 year apart, still it felt like he was more grown up than me. He matured so fast. Probably because of me. And because our parents weren't there to do it instead.

Don't get me wrong, my parents were and still are amazing parents. But they work, a lot. They want to give us the best life they can, and in order to do so, they work a lot, too much for my liking.

I mean if they want to make us happy, then why not just spend more time with us? Sometimes I wonder if we're ever going to have like a real family dinner. It's been so long since the last one...

And sometimes it made me feel lonely. Because Luke would be here, yes. But sometimes he'd take his friends home and they'd have a pizza party and I'd be stuck here, with them.

Luke would always tell me I could stay, he wanted me to feel good. He wanted me to make friends, and sometimes I'd think he wanted to match me to one of his friends.

But that didn't work because I felt that I didn't really belong. I knew that they were his friends, not mine. So in those cases I'd usually go to my room and stay there. 


I know, this sounds lonely. But one day, something magical happened... And this all changed.


Hey everyone

Welcome to this new story, which will be updated every Sunday. This was just the intro, and of course the next chapters will be longer. But I felt good to end it here. I hope you'll enjoy this story :)

Anyway thanks for the reads, votes and comments :)

- LxT4ever

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