Chapter 36: Be careful

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Blair's POV

I hurried up the stairs and went to my room. When I entered, I didn't see Rachel but I heard the shower.

I sighed deeply but decided to get changed into my clothes for the day. Afterwards I sat down on my bed, waiting for her to finish.

When the shower stopped, I looked up.

Rachel soon came out of the bathroom, she wasn't dressed yet but was wrapped in a towel. "Oh hey."

I got up. "Hi."

She looked down. Her clothes were hanging in her hand. She then looked at me. "I should get dressed."

I nodded. I walked past her, into the bathroom. I took my comb and started brushing my hair.

Soon after, Rachel entered as well. She went to stand behind me and held me from behind. "You have beautiful hair."

I smiled a little. "Thanks. You do too."

She smiled as well. "How are you going to do it for the dance?" She started going through my hair. "Up or down?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know how to do this."

She made me turn around. "I can help you."


She nodded. "We'll make you the star of the evening. Everyone will be blinded by your beauty."

I looked down, blushing.

She caressed my cheek. "However, they already should be." She walked closer to me to which I looked up. I knew what was going to happen, however it still made me nervous. The good nervous.

She leaned in closer and our lips connected. Rachel held my cheek with one hand, and with the other, she held my waist. I slowly wrapped my arms around her neck, which made her smile during the kiss.

She pulled back a little. "You're getting more confident." She whispered on my lips.

I smiled a little.

"I love that." She wrapped both her arms around my waist, pulling me impossibly close to her. And we kept kissing and kissing like there was no tomorrow.

I don't know why, but at some point I opened my eyes. And when I did, my eyes widened. A few feet away, I saw Willow. She was looking at us, her eyes held so much anger and hatred.

I knew she was going to be pissed, I cheated. And I knew she didn't like Rachel that much. However, what scared me the most. What made me worried and fear mine and Rachel's lives...

Willow... Willow was holding a knife. It was a pocket knife, but still. She was standing in a walking position, so I'm pretty sure I just caught her sneaking up on us.

I kept looking at her, hoping for her to go away. She was dangerous, finally I saw that. She showed me her true self.

When she saw I wasn't going to pull back or stop Rachel, she put the knife away. She shook her head at me, showing me she was disappointed in me. She then climbed out of the window. 

I should be happy and relieved now, but I wasn't. I knew by now that she'd come back. She'd always come back.


After that kissing session, Rachel and me walked back downstairs. Luke was already waiting at the door.

We said goodbye to our parents and walked to the car. There, I got in at the back and they got in at front, like always.

The ride was quiet. Luke was driving, I caught him glance at me sometimes. Rachel however was looking out through the window. I wonder what she was thinking right now. She must be so torn.

When we arrived at school, we saw the decorations for the school dance. I still don't understand how I missed the memo about it. But I didn't mind.

We entered the school and walked to our locker. When I arrived, I saw Nick standing there. He smiled at me. Again. "Hey." He came closer and kissed my cheek. "How are you today?"

"What do you want, Nick?" I looked behind me and saw Rachel standing there, arms crossed.

"I'm just asking my date how she's doing." He turned his attention back to me. "What color dress are you wearing?"

I blinked. "Uhm..."

"I'd like to match our outfits." He smiled again. "That'd look nice."

I nodded. "I guess..."

"Dark blue." Once again Rachel had answered for me.

I looked from her to Nick, then nodded. "Dark blue indeed."

He nodded slowly, I wonder if he noticed something was going on here. Luke was clueless still. But Nick is smart, he knows people too well. "Ok, blue it is." He then looked at Luke. "Are you coming?"

Luke nodded. He walked to Rachel, leaning in for a kiss but got nothing from her. Instead of talking to her about it, he just walked away with Nick.

I looked at Rachel. "Are you ok?"

She looked at me. "I am." She smiled. "Come on." She pulled me with her to our class.


Luke's POV

"So what's going on between you and Rachel?" Nick asked as we walked through the hallways to our class.

I shrugged. "Something changed after last night."

Nick glanced at me. "Like what? Wasn't she satisfied with you last night?"

I rolled my eyes. "She didn't spend the night with me."

Nick stopped to look at me. He gave me a look before nodding. "Blair?"

I nodded. "She wanted to spend her night with Blair." I sighed. "I think it's amazing that they're friends, but it's getting... Weird."

Nick nodded, and I didn't like that.

"You think so too?"

He nodded and continued walking again, to which I followed his example. "I don't think you should be worried, my friend." He patted my shoulder. "If there is something going on, we'll handle it."

I looked at him and saw him smirk at me.

"What are you thinking off?"

He looked away, thinking. "Just a little joke."

"Like what?"

He pulled me with him, somewhere quiet. "Ok, this is what'll happen..."

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