Chapter 29: We don't belong

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Blair's POV

My eyes were closed, I was breathing slowly and I laid amazingly well. I was relaxing on Willow's chest, in her arm. She was lying down in my bed and held me close. She felt like it.

These were the moments I never wanted to forget. The way I was feeling right now, it was a feeling I hadn't felt in... In years. Safety.

I felt safe. I felt good and protected here. Willow was here, protecting me against anything. And she was doing it willingly. She really loves me.

I smiled and looked up at her.

She looked at me and returned my smile. "Hey."

"Hey." I scooted closer, burying my face in her chest again.

She turned around, lying on her side. "What are you thinking about?" She caressed my cheek, slowly. In return, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the affection she was giving me. "You're beautiful."

I opened my eyes and smiled, it was the first time I've heard that. Ever. Yet, I couldn't believe it. "You're lying."

"Why are you saying that? You clearly haven't seen yourself yet."

I shrugged. "I see myself in the mirror..."

She smiled and caressed my face, slowly. "You haven't seen what I see right now. Blair, you're breathtakingly beautiful."

I gulped. "R-really?"

She nodded. "In and out."

I looked down, I didn't know what to say to that. Like I said, no one had ever said that to me, like that. And it did something to me. "Thank you, Willow. That honestly means to world to me."

She smiled. "You're welcome."

We laid there for a while, just looking at each other. And it made me think back at the questions I had before. About Willow. "Willow?"


I looked down. "Can you tell me more about you?"

"What do you want to know?"

At that I looked up, I didn't expect her to be this open with me. She changed, she really changed. And I'm glad for that. "Anything... Everything."

She smiled slowly. "You have to be more specific, love."

"Where do you live? Do you live alone or with your parents? Or siblings? Do you have pets? What was your childhood like? What - "

"Love," she said, her finger on my lips, preventing me to keep on asking questions. "Why is that important to know?"

I looked down. Of course she didn't want to tell me. Why would she?

I slowly backed off and turned around, my back facing her. I laid my head on my hands, covering my left cheek.

"Hey," She wrapped her arms around me, kissing around on my shoulder. "I love us, right now." She kissed her way to my neck, nipping and biting at every chance she got. "Details like that don't matter to me, love." Her grip on me tightened. "I want us to be free from that, from the world."

I turned around again, lying on my back. "Willow, what are you saying?"

She slowly made her way on top of me, something I should've seen coming... She took both my arms and held them above me. She leaned in, stopping right in front of my face. "We don't belong in this world, Blair."

I blinked. "W-what?"

"We belong somewhere else, together. I want us to be free and go there, together." She slowly leaned in and kissed me, but this kiss felt different. She was acting differently. But why? "Let's run away," She kissed around in my neck. "Together."

I slowly closed my eyes, this felt really good. It strangely felt good to be at her mercy. "Willow..." My head fell back, giving her more space, which she gladly took.

She kissed around for a while, getting me impossibly turned on. Then she stopped, all of the sudden, and made me look at her. "Are you coming with me, love? When it's time."

I gulped. "What do you mean?"

She leaned in closer. "Exactly what I'm saying. I want us to leave this place when it's time."

I nodded. "I think so."

She smiled a little, caressing my cheeks. "I love you."

"I love you too."

She leaned in again, giving me a passionate night.



I blinked a little.

"Blair, breakfast!"

I opened my eyes and looked around, it was morning. I looked at my right, Willow was still sleeping.

I smiled and leaned in closer to her. I went straight for her lips, kissing them softly. "Good morning."

She slowly opened her eyes. "Morning." She stretched in bed. "What time is it?"

"Morning." I slowly got out of bed. "Get dressed, breakfast's ready."

She groaned and turned around, snuggling into the sheets again.

"Babe?" I continued getting dressed. "Babe, get up."

She looked at me. "I'm not coming."

I stopped and went to sit down on the bed, next to her. "But you have to meet them."

"I know," She sat up. "But not now, not today."

"Why not?"

She took my hands and looked at them. "Just go," She looked back up at me. "Trust me."

I don't know why, but I nodded. "Ok."

She smiled a little. She leaned in closer and connected our lips. "I'll be here when you get back."

I nodded. "I'll hurry."


And so I hurried downstairs and sat down, at the table. "Morning."

"Morning." Luke said, him and Rachel looked terrible. Something happened.

I put everything down. "What's wrong?"

They looked at each other before looking at me. "Blair," Rachel started, taking Luke's hand in hers. She looked up at me. "I told Luke."

I looked from her to Luke.

"She told me about your... Situation..." Luke reached for my hand. "I want to talk about that."

I blinked. "W-what?"

"I'm sorry." Rachel reached for my hand as well. "I had to tell him about it, you know..." She sniffled. "He was worried."

"I don't want anything like that happening to you again." Luke continued. "We're here to talk about it."

"Wait, are you both talking about...?"

They both nodded.

At that I stood up. "You promised to keep it between us."

"I know, but he was worried and - "

"You promised!"

"Blair, don't be angry at her, she only wanted to help."

I looked down.

"You have to talk to me, about stuff like that."

"Why?" I looked up. "Why would I?"

He seemed to think that was a stupid question. "Because I'm your brother. I'm here for you."

"Well you have a funny way of showing that." After that, I went back upstairs. To Willow.

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