Chapter 21: Setting up a date

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Rachel's POV

We arrived at school, Blair got out immediately. She waved us goodbye and left, we'd meet up for lunch. Maybe. That's what she said.

"Rach," Luke started, to which I looked at him. We were still seated in his car. "What's going on? I thought you'd be happy to hear she's doing well."

I looked through the window.

"Aren't you?"

I sighed. "I am."

"Well you have a funny way of showing that..." He opened his car door.

"I'm just worried."

He turned around to face me again, his car door still open. "Why? She's happy. She's in love."

"Who's in love?" We both looked to our left, seeing Nick stand there at the open door. 

Luke got out, greeting his friend. I still can't believe they're friends. Nick's an awful person.

"So, who's in love?" Nick repeated while I got out of the car as well.

"Blair is." Luke smiled, now he was proud of his sister.

Nick nodded, he didn't seem to believe it though. "Do we know the guy?"

"The girl, and she's going to our school, according to Blair."

Nick smirked. "Oh, interesting." He then walked away.

I looked from Nick to Luke. "Why did you tell him that?"

Luke looked at me, he didn't have a clue. If only he'd open his eyes...

"Nick's going to bully Blair about that. Or he's going to try to find Willow." I groaned. "He's such an - "


I looked at him. "Why can't you see it, Luke? Why do you refuse to open your eyes?"

He groaned. "I'm so done with this!" He walked away, leaving me all by myself, frustrated.


During lunch, I was out by the cafeteria. I was looking around, waiting for Blair to arrive. This time, I was going to accompany her to the table. At least I'll know Nick isn't going to try something.

Soon Luke and his friends arrived. "Hey Rach." He was back to being himself again: ignorant towards his sister's situation.

I nodded, as a way of greeting.

"What are you doing?"

I looked around some more. "Waiting for Blair."

"Oh you didn't get her text?" Luke already took out his phone, going through it and eventually showed me a text. "She's spending it with Willow."

I looked down, why didn't she send that to me?

"Come on," Luke already pulled me with him, to the table. "Let's have lunch together."

And so we all sat at the table, again. They were all talking about stuff. I wasn't really listening, to be honest. My mind was focused on Blair.

"So, do you all know the news of Blair?" Nick suddenly asked to the table, making me choke on my food. Oh no, he didn't.

"No." Was the main answer at the table.

"Well she's dating a girl, who's here at school." He laughed immediately afterwards. "A girl."

The whole table joined in, laughing alongside him. Horrible and mean things were said at that table. Things like: who'd date her? Of course she'd date a girl, she can't get a man. I bet she watches the girls get undressed during PE.

All horrible things. 

And Luke... He didn't do anything about it. He just sat there, taking it all. He didn't really join in, but he didn't stop it.

I got up, I couldn't take this anymore. I don't understand how people could be so mean to others. Why even waste your energy for that?

I walked around school, looking for Blair. I walked by a window and saw her sitting outside, a girl next to her. I stepped closer to the window, was that Willow? Wow... She's pretty.

I saw them talk to each other, they seemed to really hit it off. Blair was smiling, it made her look so different. But in the good way. I smiled at that and decided to leave them alone.


I was at my locker, putting my books away. Finally school was over.

When I was done, I closed my locker. That's when I saw Blair at her locker. I smiled, and went to her.

"Hey Blair."

She closed her locker and turned to me. "Hey Rachel." She showed me a small smile. Seeing her smile, it really made her look even more beautiful. I'm happy Willow did that for her. Still, I couldn't shake off the feeling that Willow was a bad person for Blair... "Is there something wrong?"

"No," I smiled. "I was wondering if you could set up a meeting with Willow." I needed to meet her, I had to meet her. I knew I wouldn't lose that feeling if I didn't meet her...

Blair looked down, scratching her neck in the process. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that she doesn't want me (and Luke) to meet up with Willow. But why?

"You said you'd arrange it." I reminded her.

She looked back up, slowly nodding.

"Good," I took my phone, opening the agenda on it. "So when can we?" 


"Hey you two." Luke interrupted, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "What are you doing?" He motioned to my phone.

I looked from Blair to him. "Setting up a date to meet Willow."

Luke nodded, taking his phone as well. "Good plan, so when's the day?"

We both looked at Blair, making her blush. I think she's feeling uncomfortable or she feels pressured, maybe both... I wonder what the big deal is. Willow clearly must be someone special.

"What about Friday evening?" Luke suggested.

I nodded, that'd be great. "Would that go for you two?"

Blair looked at her phone, as if that'd give her an answer. "I uhm... Maybe... I need to ask Willow first."

Luke and me glanced at each other, before looking back at Blair. We've been here, we knew she'd try to shrug it off. 

"This Friday." Luke once again said. "At our house."

"Ok, that's a date." I backed him up.

Blair looked down, again. "Yes..."

Both me and Luke smiled. Don't get me wrong, it's sad to see Blair like that, but it needs to happen. 

"Come on," Luke took Blair's hand. "Let's go home."

I smiled at them, waving at them while they left home. Finally I'll meet the infamous Willow, I can't wait.

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