Chapter 2: My true friend

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Blair's POV

So today was a day like another. Luke and me got home. He drove us home, since we had gotten a car from our parents.

Yeah, we're very thankful for that. But they told us to share it, otherwise they'd take it away. So we did, as the good friends we were.

Luke would drive me to school and back home every day, and it was the best. We were happy, we were good, just us. I knew that when I was with him, I knew what friendship meant.

If people would ask me: what is friendship? I'd answer: Luke. He's so incredible. He gets me. Maybe it's because he's my brother. And that does create a bond.

Anyway, we got home, after school. I fell back down onto the couch, sighing.

"That's a big sigh." Luke smiled, handing me a can of soda.

I took the can. "Well I'm happy today's over."

He came to sit next to me and chuckled a little. "You don't like school, Blair?"

I shook my head no. "I get that we have to learn, but why does it need to be around so many people?"

"Because we need to learn to interact with one another." He stated.

I huffed. "I'm sorry, but some people just aren't meant to be around others."

"Like you?"

At this I looked at him, kinda shocked to hear him say that. I mean he wasn't wrong, but still. "No, I didn't... I mean these apes that call themselves guys. Or should I say men." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled again. "They're going through puberty, they don't know what's good for them yet." He took the remote and turned on the tv.

"Still, don't they realize they shouldn't treat others like nothing."

He shrugged, his eyes were fixated on the tv.

I sighed and got up. I was starving. "We should probably make dinner."

He didn't respond.


He muted the tv. "Yes?"

"Help me make dinner, I'm hungry."

"Don't, I'll order pizzas."

"Alright." I smiled, I wasn't going to say no to a relaxing night with my brother. I loved our pizza nights, just the two of us while we were watching tv or a movie. It's the best! Especially after a busy school day.


"Luke, pizzas are here!" I shouted through the house as I heard the doorbell. I could've gotten up and open the door, but Luke didn't want me to. He was very protective over me in that way.

"I'm coming!" He ran down the stairs, his wallet in one hand. "I hope I have enough."

"Fingers crossed." I smiled. I was so hungry, I'm so happy the pizzas are finally here.

"Thanks man." Luke said as he came with the pizzas. But he wasn't just holding two boxes, there were many many more. "There you go." He smiled as he put it onto the table.

"Luke, why so many pizzas?"

Suddenly the doorbell rang again. Luke walked to it. "Hey guys!"

And this was my moment, my cue to get up and move to my room. I took my pizza and walked to the stairs.

"Blair, come on, stay." he said, motioning me to come to them. His friends were sitting around him, but didn't really seem to mind me. I mean, why would they? They barely knew me.

"No, it's fine..." I looked at my pizza. "I'll be in my room."

"You sure?"

I nodded, even though I wasn't sure at all. I just wanted to spend time with him, not his friends.

"Ok, see you tomorrow." he said and went back to his friends, they were all cheering for him. I couldn't even imagine having that... I wonder how it must feel, having people/friends cheer at you. Wow, it must give you so much strength.

Anyway, I went upstairs, to my room. I closed the door and locked it, just in case. I don't want any of those friends of Luke to come to my room as a creep.

Ok, I know I might be overreacting, but we've all heard the stories... So nope, I'm not taking any chances.

I laid down onto my bed and opened the box of pizza. At least it's a good one. Oh how I love my pepperoni pizza. I'd eat it every day if I could.

So I just sat here, eating my pizza. I mean what else was there to do?

I looked around, and noticed my laptop. I could do something on it. But what?

I decided to just take it, who knows, maybe an idea will come to mind.

So I turned it on, and waited for it to start, but ate some pizza in the meantime. It was really good.

By the time I had everything going, my pizza was finished. But I didn't mind, I had to do something to keep me busy tonight. So why not browse the internet?

I went over my social apps, nothing really. I went to Luke's. It was filled, with friends' messages, pictures, videos... It still amazed me how different he and I were. I mean he practically raised me, so why the big difference?

Why couldn't I have friends? Why couldn't I have pictures and videos? Why couldn't I have texts or funny messages from my friends? Why couldn't I be... more like Luke? Normal...

I sighed and closed my laptop, this was a bad idea. I hate how this always gets me down. I should stop doing that to myself, but for some reason I kept coming back, hoping to see a difference.

I mean sure I knew nothing was going to change, why would it? But I could hope, right? Maybe someday someone will see me, they'll message me and we could be friends.

How I'd love for someone to talk to me, to really genuinely be interested in me, to really respect me... And I believe that one day I'll get that, I mean everyone has that, so I will get that too.

That's what Luke tells me every day, and every time I ask him about it. And what he says is right, is the truth. 


Because he's my only true friend.

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