Chapter 19: I don't want to be alone

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Rachel's POV

I was sitting in Luke's arms, I should be enjoying the tv show but I just couldn't. My thoughts weren't with this show, but with Blair.

I looked away from the tv, to the stairs. I wonder. I wonder how she must feel, and why she's not saying anything anymore.

I feel like I'm losing her, slowly. And I don't want that, I want to protect her. I feel like she needs someone like that. Someone to be there for her.

I sighed and sat up, slowly.

"Hey," Luke said, making me look at him. "What's wrong?"

I looked at the stairs again. 


I looked at him. "I'm going to check up on Blair."

"Don't." He simply said as he leaned back. "She's fine."

I wanted to believe him. She's his sister, he knows her the best, right? But I couldn't, I couldn't believe it. Because I knew there was something else.

I sighed and stood up. "I'll be back."

Luke groaned. "Come on, Rach. Don't ruin our evening."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, going up the stairs. 

I walked down the hall, seeing four rooms: the parents' room and their bathroom, Luke's room and all the way in the back, Blair's room.

I slowly walked to it. When I reached it, I wanted to knock but I stopped. I thought I heard something, or someone.

I stopped and listened. It was awfully quiet suddenly. I was almost sure now that there was something/someone there with Blair.

I leaned closer to the door, eventually my ear ended on the door. But I heard nothing. 

I slowly opened the door, but didn't see anything. The room was empty. I got in, looking around. "Blair?"

I looked around. Nothing seems off, except the fact that the window was open. And there was something on the floor. A drop.

I knelt down, wanting to check it before I got stopped.


I looked up. "Blair." I smiled. "I'm happy to see you."

She walked past me, and laid down on her bed. "This is my room, so..."

I walked to her bed and sat down. "Blair," I reached for her cheek and slowly caressed it. "I'm so sorry."

She looked at me, but at the same time didn't seem to listen.

"I know this news of me and Luke must hurt you, and I'm sorry. I should've been honest with you from the start."

She didn't really respond. She just looked.

"I really did this for us, not for Luke. And I do love you, so much." I smiled a little while caressing her cheek. "I'd hate to think I hurt you."

She shrugged.

I blinked, kinda surprised by her reaction. "That's all you have to say?"

She sighed and looked somewhere else, nothing in particular.


"I'm fine."

I blinked a few times. "You are?"

She nodded.

"T-that's great."

She nodded. "Thanks to Willow," She looked back at me, glaring. "My only friend."

Something in me broke. "Blair, come on, I - "

"Just leave."

"Blair, we can still be friends." I caressed her knee, it was the closest to me. "Right? Like before."

She looked away. "No," She gulped, I wonder if she was doing this because she was stubborn or because of this new 'friend'. "I don't need you." She looked at me. "I need no one."

I scooted closer. "People need each other, Blair."

"I have Willow."

I sighed, and slowly got up. "Just know I'm here for you, ok?"

She didn't look at me.

I gulped. I slowly made my way out of her room. I leaned against her door, sighing. I can't believe that just happened. I feel so bad for this, this shouldn't be happening.

Slowly I walked back down the stairs, back to Luke.

"Hey," He opened his arms for me already. "How was it?"

I shrugged.

He looked at me. "What happened?"

I sighed deeply. "Luke, this isn't good. Something's not right, I can feel it."

"How so?"

I looked down, thinking. "She keeps on talking about this Willow girl..." I sighed. "I don't know if she's trustworthy."

He shrugged. "We could also meet up with the girl and see for ourselves."

I looked at him. "I suggested that too."


"I'm still waiting."

"Well let's wait together." He pulled me in his arms again, and watched tv.


Blair's POV

I laid here, thinking. Did I really do the right thing just now?

Rachel just left, back to Luke. She said such nice things, she really cares about me, I think. I mean, she took her time to come to me and talk about it. She apologized even, which I really appreciate.

Still, I did what Willow told me to do. Because, as she had said, both Rachel and Luke were ignorant towards me.

"You did the right thing."

I sat up, seeing Willow come out of my little private bathroom.

She showed me her signature smile as she leaned against the door frame. She looked really good like that, so confident.

I showed her a little smile as well. "You really think so?"

Willow walked towards me to eventually sit down in front of me, on my bed. "Of course," She caressed my cheek. "She's the one that should feel bad, not you."

I looked down. "But she said all those nice things, she even apologized to me..." I looked back up at her. "Maybe we just need to talk about all of it..."

Willow didn't seem to like that, at all. "Sure," She got back up. "You go do that."

I got up as well, following her to the window. "R-really?"

She groaned. "I'm so done with this situation, Blair. I thought you were ready, I thought you wanted my help - "

"I do, you know what's best for me."

She eyed me for a bit.

"I just don't want to be alone in this world, it already sucks enough." I looked down afterwards. It's true though, it's a real fear of mine. Being alone. It's something that's so scary, because there's no one to talk to, no one to protect you, no one to take care of you...

Once again Willow caressed my cheeks. "Blair, what about us?"

I looked at her, blinking. "What about us?"

She showed me a warm and loving smile, one I hadn't seen before. That's when everything changed and she did the one thing I never expected her to do...

She kissed me.

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