Chap. 10

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~ The Next Day ~

▪ { E R I C A } ▪

The next morning , I woke up and Lee was in the bathroom taking something. She looked beat. 😂

Probably a little headache.

"Hey babe , you good?" I asked sneaking behind her and kissed her shoulder and she sighed.

"I got scratches last night trying to break that damn fight up and ontop of that , I got a headache.  Is that good enough for you?" She asked wit attitude. I would be a bitch and tell her something that would make her mad , but I'm not. I don't have time to be fussing.

"Man whatever , fuck it." I said and grabbed my tooth putting some toothpaste on it and water then walked out. I don't have time to be around her ass. I know her head and shit hurting but she aint have to give me dat sick ass attitude.

"Babyy." Lee called but I shook my head and rinsed my mouth. I walked out the bedroom and grabbed some fresh briefs , a fresh sports bra , and some basketball shorts with my Adidas socks.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked and she looked at me for a second then walked out. After she passed , she stood on the outside looking at me like she lost her best friend. I sighed closing the door and locked it. I turned the shower on and the speaker pulling in my phone on the speaker.

I need a good hot shower.

▪  { L E E }  ▪

I'm feeling hella tired and I don't feel like being bothered with nobody. I didn't want to really have that attitude with Erica , but it just happened ...She asked a dumb ass question. Now I feel bad because she's mad now.


While Eri was in the shower , I decided to take some medicine. I grabbed two pills and a water out our small fridge we is , then went back into bed. I need to get some good rest before I leave out this room.

▪  { L E H ' L A N I }  ▪

"Ouuuuu wee! I feel soooooo good!" I sung to Janae and she laughed looking at me from Elijah.

"What happened? You disappeared last night." She said and I smiled thinking back to the sex Erica and I had in the bathroom. 

"It happened ," I blushed looking at my nails.

"What? What happened?" Janae asked. I pointed to my vagina and she stared at me for a moment then finally got it.

"OMG YOU DIDN'T?!" She yelled and Elijah looked at me then smiled clapping his hands. I laughed taking him from Janae.

"Ohh yes I did! Tell her noonie!" I said playing with Eli and kissing him and he laughed.

"Already Leh? Your crazy!" Janae exclaimed. I didn't see nothing wrong with it. I'm single , she's " single " , we're good. She may be married but the way she lives , its like she single forever.

"Nae calm down , you acting like I'm pregnant." I said and she laughed.

"Wouldn't be surprised if you do get knocked up." She said and I smacked my lips shaking my head and continued kissing Elijah.

"I actually want to get pregnant again by Erica." I smiled and she sighed rolling her eyes.

"Naee Naee , why don't you be on my side??" I whined

"Leh'Lani this isn't cute! Your a basketball player , and this is what your doing! You makin yourself look like a hoe! If I was you , i would just leave Erica alone. I'm just saying." She said. I do feel like Janae is right , but something about Erica doesn't make me stop.

"I'll think about it " I said playing in Elijah's hair. "in the meantime , I wanna go get a little shopping." I stood up shifting Elijah onto my hip.

"Give me my Lili while you go get dressed then." She said. She reached for Elijah and he went smiling. "Hii Teetee's baby!" She squealed. I laughed running upstairs.


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