1K 27 6

▪ { J E S S I C A } ▪

When we got home , Erica went straight upstairs. I stood in the middle of the door frame watching her until she disappeared around the corner. I sighed and walked inside closing the door behind me. I went to the kitchen putting the food on the counter

I don't even know what to do at this point. Should I leave ... or should I stay ? I really dont want to leave Erica though. I love her a lot and no one other than my family made me smile and laugh the way she does.

I obviously mean a lot because she's not only doing all these wonderful things for me , but she said she didn't think she was gonna find love aftwr her divorce with me. That means she's in love with me.

I see now that she's hurt just by her actions. I don't want to break up with her and so maybe a break is something that we could take right now. Lord knows I really know want to though.


I opened our bedroom door and Erica was sitting at the patio in a chair smoking. I sighed. I hate when she smokes.

" Baby .." I said. She never did move. " Erica I'm sorry okay ? Your right , we shouldnt break up . A break will be fine for now . " I said standing between her legs and she looked at me.

She stared at me for a good couple of seconds which got awkward. " You don't mean that .. "

I frowned. " Yes I do . "

" Jessica I know you already ma , all I have to do is look at you and see that you don't even want for this break to happen . Let's just continue to be protected in the house , let's get a dog , and move on . Don't leave me . " She grabbed my arm. I know I don't want to leave Erica. " Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't want to be with me anymore ." She said and I sighed looking her in the eyes but I couldn't do it.

I just couldn't. " I .. I can't . I dont want to leave you . But I'm scared . " I said.

" You don't have to worry about that when your protected by me babe . I told you I got you , so I got you . Just stay please ." She begged.

I looked at my nails then back at her. " Okay I'll stay . " I said and she smiled and kissed me.

" I love you so much . "

I smiled. " I love you too . " The doorbell rung and Erica got up.

" I got it . " She said and I followed her downstairs. When she opened the door , a little girl was standing on the other side.

We both looked at each other. " Um .. who are you ? " Erica asked her.

" I'm Breanna . " She said. She was a cute little girl. But how did she get over the fence ?

" How did you get inside here ?" I asked and she laughed

" I can't say . You can have this though , bye ! " She ran off to the front of the gate. I quickly closed the door and Erica looked at me like I was crazy.

" The hell you did that for ?! How we suppose to know how she got inside ? "

" I don't want to know .. I feel like it has something to do with your ex . " I sighed sitting down. " Is it me .. or are you feeling dizzy too ? " I asked getting a little nauseous.

Erica ran to the kitchen and then came back with some water. My eyes were really heavy and I could barely see.

" Drink this. Quick ! " She said and put the water to my lips and I drunk some. My vision got back clear , and I was good. I grabbed the bottle turning on the TV. 

She sat next to me and read the paper from Breanna.

▪ { E R I C A } ▪

Seeing Jessica almost passing out scared the fuck out of me. She can't be passing out and pregnant!

I seen she we back to normal and so I begin reading the paper down Breanna.

To Erica and ' Selena ' ,

   I see that you guys are suffering 😂😂. Really , I don't care , but I guess I'll stop making you suffer and leave you alone if Erica does one simple thing for me . By tomorrow , I need $500k in my hands . Cash . If you want to do the deal , meet me at the park @ 9 . If you dont want to do this , your not only gonna be a dumb ass , but your gonna make it worse than what it already is . :) So if I was both of you , i would just give me the money . :)  Your choice .

I crumbled the paper in my hand and threw it to the floor. " It can't be good if your throwing it .. " Jessica said.

" SHE'S FUCKING CRAZY !! She really said that she wants to make a deal .. I either give her $500k CASH , OR SHE'LL CONTINUE TO FUCK WIT US . ! I'm not giving her shit ! That's half a fucking mill ! She better go rob some fucking bank ! " I yelled highly pissed off.

" Baby this is the only way for her to leave us alone though . " Jessica said and I looked at her ass with ' Really Bitch ?! ' look.

" You realize what you just said just now ?! You want me to give this bitch half a mill of our money !! Hell no ! I'm not doing it .." I said.

" You'll get the money right back ! You forgot how wealthy your parents are and they left you all Their shit . You still getting money coming through !! " i smiled at the fact how rich I am. She's true though.


" I get that but I'm not giving her shit . I rather her come fuck wit us more and eventually she'll come out the closet and we'll be good because I'll catch her ass and boom night night for her . " I smirked and she shook her head.

" You not going back to jail . It was already enough when I had to suffer those couple of days without even talking to you !! I'm not letting you kill someone . " Jessica said and I grabbed her hand.

" Thanks for that but I'm not gonna kill her . I'm gonna her someone else to do the dirty work .." I grinned evily.

" I don't like that look .. but it does sound like a pretty good plan . " Jessica said and I smiled widely kissing her.

" I knew you would get on board ! I knew it ! "

" okay calm the fuck down because I'm hungry here ! Where's my McDonalds ? " She said getting up and I laughed as she walked to the kitchen.

" Pregnancy hormones already kicking in I see . " i said and she scoffed.

" Shut up , "

I laughed again.


° Should Erica just give ******** the money ?

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