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▪ { E R I C A } ▪

"You in?" I asked Lee and she nodded putting on her seat belt.

I ran to the other side and got inside the car. Right now , we're on our way to go and get the kids from school. Ma'Leah usually be the first one we pick up , but since it's one of her classmate's birthday , there gonna be this party in her class and she loves to play so we'll give her some time until we go pick up her sisters.


"Hey can we stop for Chipotle or something when we leave?" Lee asked and we waited in the bus parking lot for Lindsey and Naveah to get off the bus.

"Yeah." I answered and got on my phone on social media. 

I seen on Twitter , Kiara posted a tweet. It read , When your in the NBA , you gotta watch what you do .😌People are always watching .

I then retweeted it and said , Can't trust fake broke wannabe ass niggas these days . Like really ? A picture , wow bravo my dude . bravoooo 👏😂

I exited out out Twitter after that and my phone begin going off with tags , retweets , and comments.

Lindsey's nem bus then started coming down the street. I went on Snapchat and made a video of me and Lee. I put the camera in Lee's face. "Look how beautiful she is Snapchat." I said and she looke bat the camera then laughed pushing it away.

"Stoop my babies are here!" She squealed and I stopped the video reviewing it , then posted it on my story.

We got out the truck , and waited at the front. 

"Dadddyyy!!" Lindsey and Veah screamed and they both into my arms. I missed my munchkins so much.

"Hi mommy." They said hugging her and kissed Lee's stomach which I found adorable.

"Mommy what are you having?" Naveah asked.

"We don't know yet baby. What do you guys want for mommy to have?" She asked and we buckled the kids in the car.

"I want a little brother!" Lindsey said.

"I want a little brother too." Added Naveah. I grinned. This just goes to show you that the girls are getting older and time isn't waiting for no damn body.

"Well I hope we have a little boy then. In the meantime , we're gonna go get Leah and then go get ice cream!" Lee said and the girls screamed.

"Yayyy ice cream!"


Lee and the girls decided that they were gonna stay in the car so I just went in the daycare and get Leah myself. 

I walked inside and seen Leah sitting at a table with 2 other little girls and they were coloring and stuff.

"Erica?" Someone said. I looked and my eyes widened.


▪ { L E E } ▪

"So what did you guys learn at school today?" I asked locking my phone and the girls looked at me from their iPads.

"Good. Ms. Mandy gave us candy!" Lindsey squealed.

"My head was hurting at school." Naveah said.

"Is it still hurting?" She shool her head. My girls are getting so big , they need to slow down! 😩

"Well that's good ," I sighed looking out the window. "Daddy and Leah needs to hurry. I'm hungry." I said and the girls laughed causing me to laugh a little but I'm dead ass.

▪ { E R I C A } ▪

"Regina whatchu doing here?" I asked grabbing Leah's backpack out her hands.

"I'm the new teacher here. And , I'm Ma'Leah's tecaher. She's such a cutie." She said and I nodded. This is hella awkward. When Lee finds out , she gonna flip.

"Is this Lee's?" She asked and I nodded again.

"She looks like her. Ma'Leah , mama's here!" Regina said and i dug my hands in my pockets. Leah ran to me and i picked her up.

"I miss you baby girl." I said and she hugged my neck.

"Daddy wook!" She exclaimed showing me her coloring sheet of Dora.

"I see. Mommy's gonna love it." I said kissed her cheek.

I looked back at Regina who was smiling. "She's so adorable. I felt a little connection as soon as I met her." She said staring at Leah.

The hell? This bitch feeling shit through my daughter?

"Um .. we're gonna be going. The fam is in the car and I gotta go. It was nice meeting you." I said rushing out the daycare center. "Was she mean to you?" I asked Leah and she shook her head eating her laffy taffy.

"She nwice daddy." She said and I grinned putting her in the car in her seat.

"Hey baby!!" Lee exclaimed and Leah smiled. "Did you have fun today?" Leab nodded and watched Naveah play on her iPad.

"I gotta talk to you when we get home too." I said lowly getting in the car. Lee looked at me and frowned.

"About?" I looked at the kids then back at her starting the car.

"I'll tell you later." I said and drove to the ice cream parlor.

I don't know how the hell Lee is gonna take Regina being Leah's new teacher. Right now , I'm not to sure of the shit.

How the fuck she feel connections with my daughter , I don't know. 😓


° Regina's back !

° Kiara ? 👀

° Did Erica earn what she got with Kiara ?

° What's the baby's gender ?

° Comment your creative thoughts people . 💗☺

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