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▪ { E R I C A } ▪

Stacey and I were making out on the couch when my phone started ringing. I looked seeing a text from Sunny. While I was on my phone, Stacey was kissing my neck.

Sunny 🌸💪: " Aye man where you was last night?? "

Me : " I stayed in. A friend of mine was over and she wasn't feeling good so I just stayed in with her. "

Sunny 🌸💪: " Erica I'm leaving Cali tomorrow man. We need to get fucked up before I go! I want to at least party wit you before I go. "

Me : " How about tonight? Me, you, Bri, and Jayden hit up the strip club.."

Sunny 🌸💪: " Sounds like a plan.  But you can't leave us! "

Me : " I'm not man. 😂"

~    ~    ~

"Alright that's enough." I said and Stacey sighed getting up.

She wiped her mouth. "I need to get with my cousin. I told her we was gonna go out today," Stacey said and I followed her to the stairs.

"Where y'all going?" I asked as she grabbed her things.

"Might go get our nails and feet done then maybe go to the mail, I dont know. What are you gonna do?" She asked as we went back downstairs.

"Nothing during the day but me and some friends are gonna hit up the strip club tonight." I said opening the door and stood there as she made her way to the door.

"Well .. I'll just text you I guess. Your gonna he busy so." She said hugging me and I hugged back.

"But that's tonight. We got allllll day ma," I said and she laughed pulling away from the hug and walking out the door.

"Well .. I'll text you I told you, " She said. "You better text me back too." She said pointing to me and turned to walk to her car but I grabbed her arm. "Yess?" She asked and I grabbed her face kissing her. She laughed in between the kiss and added a little tongue.

"Little freak." I said pulling away and she laughed.

"Shut up I'll see you later." She said and I watched as she left. I closed the door and Spikes ran downstairs.

"Where you coming from boy?" I asked rubbing his head and he followed me upstairs. I grabbed my phone calling Jayden on FaceTime.

When she answered, she was driving in her car. Guesing she on her way somewhere..

" Wassup. Stacey not there?? "  She asked smirking and I laughed.

"Nahh man , she jus left." I answered.

"Yeah because she been having you all up in her shit lately. She glad I introduced you two to each other ,"

I grinned. "I'm glad too but we didn't do anything. We had Maria, and her period came down soo .. that fucked up everything."

"Aww mann the period does fuck up shit! This one time, this girl tried to make me fuck her on her period talking bout its just blood like bitch please!" I laughed. Jayden is something else but she is so much like me before I changed 

"Daaaamn! That what yo ass get wanna fuck hoes left and right. You better be wearing some condoms because yo ass go catch some shit."

Jayden shook her head. "Nahh I'm not gonna catch nothing but I been wearing condoms. Unlike you ," I flipped her off walking outside. "But why you called? I know you want some shit."

I laughee. "Bitch shut up. Im asking you if you wanna come to the strip club tonight? But knowing you, I don't have to ask."

She smiled. "You alreeeeady knnooowwww!!"

I laughed shaking my head. "I jus new to ask Briana and Snoop, ima fuck wit you later man."

"Alright bet."

▪ { S T A C E Y } ▪

Before heading home, I went stop at the dollar store for some snacks.

I was looking in the chips aisle when I heard a baby's voice. Sounded like a girl. I love babies. I turned around and seen Jessica holding little Maria.

She looked at me and glared at me then rolled her eyes walking away. That's it, I'm done with this hoe.

"Bitch roll em again!" I yelled and she turned around.

"Excuse me?" She questioned like she was dumb.

I grabbed my bag of chips walking closer to her. "You heard me. Roll em again, and I'll beat em out ya head! I don't even know you and you got some problem with me? Do you even know who I am?" She sighed.

"I don't have time for this." She said and turned to walk away.

"Of course you don't. Your just mad because I have your little girlfriend, Erica. I hope you dont think we're together darling because we're not. We're just good friends." I smiled and she shrugged. "...with benefits..," I smiled and winked at her walking pass her and bumped her shoulder where Maria wasn't on.

That'll hush her ass up.

▪ { J E S S I C A } ▪

I knew something was up between them two!! I kenw it, I knew i!!

I'm gonna have to talk to Erica because knowing what them two do, i don't want those stanky ass fingers on my baby and her beautiful smooth skin gonna start breaking out.

I hate that bitch Stacey.


° Ouuu, Erica better calm her pussycats!! 😂😂

° Comment your thoughts. 🌞

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