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▪ { E R I C A } ▪

I went inside and seen people everywhere.

"Ayeee! It's Erica!!" Sunny said and everyone screamed. I smiled dapping and hugging every one. I hugged Sunny and she hugged back.

"It's been so long man. You didn't even call after you left. How you been?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Been doing pretty good. What about you? I heard you got a new baby now huh?" I smiled nodding. "What's her name bro?"

I pulled my phone out showing her the picture of Maria. She awed putting her drink down admiring the picture. "Look how cuteee! She looks just like you man." Sunny commented and I grinned taking my phone back locking it.

"Thanks man ," I looked around and send Jayden. Ima go hit her up later. I continued to look and my eyes was glued to one of the people I've never thought I see again. Y'all never heard about this person nor will y'all know her. I never talk about her. Anyways, I seen my high school bully ...

Her name is Jasmine. Jasmine is a fem. From 9-10 grade, she would tease me about shit like me having a penis and everything . See, I wasn't the shit then I was a little .. nerdy or .. lame you could say. It was the reason why I wanted to kill myself and run away. Even if Briana wasn't coming with me.

I was glad when she moved and it all stopped. Now that I'm seeing her now, and me being the person I am now, I would beat her ass for all the bullshit she said. I got balls now.

"Aye is that Jasmine over there?" I asked Sunny. She looked where I was looking.

"Whe - Oh, yeah. She fine ass hell huh?" Sunny said smirking. She was right, but I'm not trynna be cool with her ass and she made half of my high school years a hell hole.

"She fine and allat, but I'm not trynna kiki wit her ass." I said and walked to the kitchen.

Sunny followed. "You still stuck on that? It was years ago Erica."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter how long it was! I still dream about that shit every now and then man! I want her ass to come and say some smart shit and ima punch her ass dead in the face. On my mama grave bro." I said grabbing a drink.

Sunny shook her head walking back into the living room. I sighed sitting down at the table. I lowkey don't even want to be here anymore. I really wanna go home and go get Maria or some shit.

I was in my phone when I seen Jayden coming in the kitchen. "Wasssuup." She said dapping me and sat down.

"Wassup man." I said and took a sip of my drink. I glanced up and seen Jayden looking at me. "What?" I questioned.

"This ain't you man .." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"This! Sitting here at the damn table like this when there's hundreds of women here ," She said. "You would usually party and shit not just sit in the damn corner by yaself." She said and I agreed but knowing Jasmine is here, I don't even want to approach her.

"I know man but I see my high school bu -"

"Jayden .." Someone said. We both looked and I sighed looking away. Great.. was just talking about this bitch, now she's in my presence.

Jayden grinned. "Wassup Jas." She said pulling Jasmine in her lap. She smiled.

"Who's this?" She asked. I looked at her and then looked away.

"This my good friend, Erica. Erica this is -"

"Wait ..." She started and I looked at her with a bitch what face. "Erica .. Your last name is -"

"Brown, yuup. Yeah its me, the sheman. " I said getting mad.

"Omg you look so different! Can I -"

Before she could get up, I put my hand up and got up walking out the kitchen and straight out the door. I can't stay there.

*  *  *

I drove to Jessica mom's house. I need some company and the kids are at their cousins for the week so I'm really bored.

Getting there, I seen another car parked in the yard.

I got out and grabbed my phone walking to the front. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for Jessica to open up. The door opened and I seen her cousin, Lola on the other side holding Maria.

"Hey Lola. Long time no see." I said and we shared a hug.

"I know right it's been so long. I just came by to see my little cousin before I head back out to Atlanta." She said and I grinned walking inside and kissed Maria's hand. She was wide awoke too.

I seen Jessica in the kitchen washing the dishes. Lately, we've been .. getting along. I'm not really in love with her like I use to. Friends and co-parenting is the perfect spot for us at the moment.

"Wassup wassupp." I said and hugged her from behind then went to fhe fridge.

"Why is it that every time you come here, you go straight to the fridge like we got something for you." She asked and I laughed grabbing some strawberries.

"Because, sometimes .. well most of the time, there's something for me to eat." I said smiling and Lola carrying Maria came in the kitchen.

Jessica smacked her lips laughing. "I heard there was a high school kick back or whatever today," She looked me up and down. "You going?"

I shook my head. "I went already but I left." I said

She wiped the counter. "Oh really? Why? You never leave a party on sight.."

"I just .. didn't want to be there any more. Someone there that I really didn't fuck wit was there and was trynna talk to me like shit cool now because we grown. Like hell no." I said sitting down at the table.

"Here, you want her?" Lola asked me. I nodded putting the strawberries down.

She carefully handed me Maria and I smiled playing with her. "Hey baby girl." I said and she looked around.

"That's why your here?" Lola asked and I nodded.

"I really don't have time for that man." I said. "I just wanna play with my little princess until then," I said tickling Maria and she smiled trying to grab my nose.

"Well .. is it okay if I go out to the mall or something with Lo?" Jessica asked and I nodded.

"I need to spend time with her anyways." I said and took my shoes off. "I'll stay here." I said.

"Alright you go ahead and we'll be back." Jessica said and her and Lola went upstairs.

I went to the front sitting on the swing. I took my phone out and seen a message from Jayden and Sunny.

Jay 💪😎: " Aye man, why you left like that? "

Me : " I wasn't about to sit there with Jasmine man. I don't fucking like that bitch. If you want more information, ask her about it. ✔"

I then went to Sunny.

Sunny 🌸💪: " Why you left the party man? "

Me : " Jasmine .. trynna be friendly and shit. Not dealing with it, I'm jus here with Maria and stuff. If you want, you can come by later on. "

Sunny 🌸💪: " Aight, bet. "

*   *   *   *   *

I got out the messages and went on Snapchat videoing me and Maria.

"Heyyy Riaa." I said putting the camera above her and she yawned. I kissed her cheek. I love my little girl so much.


° Jasmineee ???

° Never seen Erica leave a party ..

° Jessica and Erica got a little friendship . 😊

° Comment your thoughts . 👏

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