62 ( Jeremiah is .. )

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~  A Week Later ~

▪ { E R I C A } ▪

Lee and I dropped the kids off at school and took Eric to her mom's. This morning , Lee and I were going meet up with Regina because she said the results came in.

As we stopped at the red light , Lee grabbed my hand.

"Whatever happens , just know that I will always love you." She said and I grinned kissing her hand.

"I love you more." I said and she smiled.


We got out and went sit at the bench at the park. I put my glasses on and stared at the grass while Lee laid her head on my arm. I sighed then seen Regina's car pull up.

"Here it goes." I mumbled and she got out and came sit by us.

"Goodmorning guys." She said sitting down.

"Morning." We said.

She took an envelope out and gave it to me. "You can open it." She smirked and i sighed rippin open the envelope.

"Read it aloud." Lee said.

"When it's comes to 5 year old Jeremiah Nathan Brown , Erica Renee Brown , you are 99.9% the match." I said and dropped the paper resting my face in my hands. I couldn't even believe this shit.

Before I knew it , I had tears coming out my eyes.

"Babe it's okay were gonna be fine." Lee said rubbing my back and rested her hand on mines.

▪ { L E E } ▪

I hate that this kid is Erica's. Now she'll have to be around Thirst Bucket here. 😒

I looked at Regina and she was on her phone. I purposely cleared my throat and she locked her phone then got up.

"See , told you he was yours. We can split him like this , you can have him on weekends and over breaks." Regina said and she looked at me and smriked. "Have a good day you two." She said laughing and walking back to her car.

I watched. I swear I hate that woman.

Erica sniffed wiping her eyes and raising her head. She put her hands together putting them on her mouth staring off into a daze. "I knew it. I felt it." She said. "Its all my damn fault. If I had just used a - "

"Bae don't say that. It's not your fault. Things happen for a reason right? Like we talked about before , he's just gonna be another one to the table. He'll have to somehow connect with his other siblings. Especially since he's apart do our family now." I said. I hated every word i said after right.

I hope the girls give him a bad welcoming just so his little ass won't come back.

▪ { E R I C A } ▪

After sitting there for another good 5 minutes , I was good. "Can we leave now?" I asked. I just want to lay in the bed with my wife. Without any disturbance.

"Yeah. You wanna stop for something to or something?" I shook my head.

"I just wanna lay with you." I said getting up and grabbed her hand. She grinned and stood on her toes and kissed my cheek.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more."


Just like i said , Lee and I got in bed with nothing but our undies and sports bra on cuddling in bed.

"Did you ever want another kid? Like I'm talking after Eric. Was you done?" I asked curious.

"Actually .. no. I wasn't looking for anymore kids. Those 4 are good enough. But now ..." She sighed. "We have an additional one." She said and I sighed also.

I feel like all this bs is my fault. My crazy dumb ass past is now catching up to me and kicking the fuck out of my ass. 

I knew he was gonna come out to be mine. I just knew it. But never believed it. Now look at him. He is.

"Will you love me differently?"

Lee sat up looking at me. "Of course not. Did I love you different when Naveah came to the family? So why would I start now?" She asked which She Did have a point.

Lee a real down ass woman. She's down for me. Always have my back and right there when I need her. I knew I picked the right woman when I got down on one knee and asked her to become mines forever.

And to this day , I don't regret it. Not one bit.

▪ { R E G I N A  } ▪

After leaving the park , I went to work.

Erica's reaction was priceless and Lee's was too. She didn't want any of this to haopen but so what. She wasn't the one busting this up.

Now I just have ro explain to Jere when I get him from school about his daddy.

This could also be my chance to get close to Erica. 😈


° Jeremiah is Erica's baby !

° Who thought he wasn't ? 😏

° Comment your thoughts mamis and papis ! 💕

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