2: Seeing Him Again

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Dante is above what he looks like now Your POV

I wake up to see my school uniform set out for me. I sigh, and decide to get dressed, considering there's no avoiding school. After I get dressed, I went downstairs to see mom getting out cereal. I grabbed a bowl of cheerios and decided to eat them dry. I started eating when mom piped up.

"So, are you excited for school?" Mom asked. She sounded cheerful, but too cheerful, of you ask me.

"How are you so happy after grandpa just died?" I asked, not looking up at her. It annoyed me, seeing her with a smile after her father, and my grandpa, just died. Even if I was closer to him than she was. Mom was at work, while I stayed home to take care of him.

"You should start going to school if you don't want to be late."

"Will Dad be at work when I get home?" I don't know why I asked. I already knew the answer.

"You know he has to come home late at night. Now, go to school already." I could hear the annoyance in her voice as I was walking to school. To be honest, I didn't mind that he was at work so much. After all, most of our vacations were my mom and I hanging out at a resort. My dad bought the tickets, and my mom brought us there.

I wonder if Dad even cares about me that much. We didn't even move back to Phoenix Drop because grandpa died, it's because dad got a better job here. Although I don't know how much 'better' it really is. He's home for a maximum of 4 hours a day. And he's sleeping the entire time.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that I almost walked straight into someone.

"Earth to new kid. Be more careful, you almost ran into the wrong person." Someone pulled me off the sidewalk, and I stumbled a little. "You good? You seem a little lost."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking. And about the lost thing... I just moved here. I'm [Name.]"

"Dante. I don't supposed you used to live here or anything, right?"

"Wait, Dante?! I didn't even realize it was you, oh my gosh!" I hugged him tight. Over his shoulder, I saw someone with black hair and light blue eyes. He was glaring straight at me...

Is that Gene?

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now