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y/n pov

i was crying, i couldn't run and hide. i sat up pushing him off me. great now he knows, grr why am i such an idiot. come on y/n seriously, he now has more to use against you. ugh why am i an idiot. while mentally scolding myself i guess gene was talking to me and realized i wasn't paying attention.

he waved a hand in front of my face. "y/n!" he yelled annoyed. i snapped out of it and looked at him. he was mad, and i totally don't blame him.

"sorry, what were you saying?" I asked while looking at him not breaking our eye contact and looking sincere.

"I was saying you should stay the night at my place tomorrow night, seeing as Dante is going to his sleepover with other friends. we could hang out and get to know each other more. I have changed more then you know sweetheart."

a/n i though of haymitch

i looked away, i didn't want but i have to. i made a small smile to act like i actually didn't mind and i saw him smile, it soon turned into a smirk though. "perfect see you then sweety." he said while getting up and kissing my cheek once more. shoot i don't like him, but another part of me does. what is wrong with me.

a few minutes later i go home. that night was long and restless.

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