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y/n pov

i was certain it was him it had to be him. who else would be fighting with my mom? i head downstairs with gene following.i wish he didn't but i don't care really. i saw my dad first time for everything huh? i have seen him yes but very rarely, this time though was different. his suit was messed up along with his hair, did they get physical? his eyes were a deep black like a soulless  abyss. mysteries of this man's true emotions and thoughts lying within.

"BULLSH*T YOU PROVIDE YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW YOUR DAUGHTER! SHE HAS NEEDS THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW OF." mom screamed. were they fighting about me or they're marrage?


"TALK TO HER! SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!" i start freaking out slightly, am i the reason they're fighting. please say no, don't tell me i'm leaving i can't leave again. my heart beat quickens as my breathing becomes uneven. i can't think straight and begin tearing up.

dad looks up and his eyes lock with gene. sh*t how am i going to explain this. "who are you?" he asked masking his anger and ignoring my mom. mom looked over and shocked ran to the kitchen to get my meds.

"gene, y/n's friend"

dad growled as mom  came back with my pills and some water handing them to me. i take them and calm down slightly curling up. dad gets on his laptop and start searching something. i want to disappear but knowing my mother i won't be able to. gene helps me up and looks me dead in the eye "you okay?" he asked and i nodded.

"tuesday the 10th" my dad said suddenly.

"w-what's that a-about?" i ask kinda shakey. what's he planning?

"that's when i'm getting the divorce papers." he spoke. my mom's eyes widen.

"DIVORCE!?!" she asked shocked.

"i am sick an tired of all of this and i'm fighting for custody as well."he said swiftly. as my mom started to cry. it felt like i was just hit with a wave of unneeded guilt as gene held me closer. i cried slightly as dad left slamming the door behind him.

*timeskip to after the legal shtuff*

it's official i'm now under my dad's custody and my mom is a poor newly divorced. dad took everything from her the house her money and me. the only plus side to being with my dad is he doesn't know of my depression and i plan to keep it that way.

it was the morning and i had to get ready for dante's birthday party gene is "allowing" me to go since he's forced to be there. i put on a cute quick outfit and start brushing my hair. i keep glancing at my desk drawer, my razor safely hidden in there.

a knock on the door "y/n, coming in" my dad has a bad habit of just knocking and ignoring any signs of no. he walks in and looks at me. i was looking down at my bedsheets. they were simple black and red, nothing special. "ready to go?"  he asked.

"in a moment can you go for a second?"

"why?" dad sounded annoyed he took a day off as in they forced him to take at least the weekend off, so saturday and sunday he's gotta find something else to do.

"i need to do something" he didn't leave instead he frowned growling slightly.

"no now come on" i groan and walk to my dresser drawer, i filled it with my prescriptions and grabbed my anxiety pills and took one along with an anti-depressant so i wouldn't bring the party down. alright let's do this.

a/n what should happen at the party?

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now