3: The Gang and "Shadow Knights."

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Dante's POV cool change

As I hugged [Name,] I realized how much I missed them. They were my friend a long time ago. Sadly, I was their only friend. Maybe they'll make more this time?


Actually, I'll help them make more friends. No matter what.

They were the first to pull away from the hug. They were looking over my shoulder with fear on their face. "What's the matter?"

Your POV

When I heard him ask what, I knew for a fact that I had ruined the mood. "It's just... that..." I kept my eyes glued on Gene.

He followed my line of sight and saw Gene, who was glaring at me. He stopped and left when I looked over. "Be careful of him, he's still mean."

"I thought so. He really hasn't changed, then?"

"Not at all... does this surprise you?"

"Yeah, actuallly." My blood ran cold when I thought of something. "Wait, you haven't changed, either, right?"

"No, I haven't. I did make more friends, though." I relaxed knowing he was still the same Dante I always knew. We walked through the school gates, and I felt my heart start pounding when I realized just how big Phoenix Drop High really is.

"Uhm... do you know where the office is?" I needed to get my schedule before I could do anything.

"Yeah. I'll show you after you meet my friends." He took my hand before I could protest, and brought me over to a group of kids. I looked over, and they were staring at us.

No... not at us... at me!

"Hey guys. This is my old friend. She just moved back to Phoenix Drop. [Name]. Remember? I use to talk about her a lot."

"Oh, right. The girl who had to take care of her grandfather. I remember." A red haired girl said.

They introduced themselves one by one. Honestly, they seemed really nice... but...

I said hi shyly. I didn't want to have that many friends. Even after I left for grandpa, I didn't make friends at that school.

"Woooow. Dante has a friend that isn't social." Katelyn, a girl with blue hair and matching eyes, commented.

"Yup, that's me..." I said quietly, only wanting to leave.

I think Dante noticed how uncomfortable I was, because the he spoke up. "Well, I gotta show her to the office now, see ya!" He took my hand, leading me to the office.

We ran into Gene and two others on our way. Great, just what I wanted. More people.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now