Worst Christmas pageant ever and Kindergarten

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a/n this is all in gene's pov

genes pov

it's the next day and y/n is sitting next to me with a moist washcloth helping the rest of the wounds from last nights fight. as calm as she is right now i can tell y/ns worried.

"you know i'm fine right?" i ask and she looks at me shocked that  spoke. she blinks and nods.

"sorry i was spacing out," y/n giggles, "i know you're fine but you shouldn't leave these untreated." a kind hearted smile appears on her face and i smile back slightly. i don't usually smile but y/n's smile has something to it, a sparkle. Just so wonderful and bright, that sounds cheesy. whatever i don't care.


y/n and i were watching some Christmas movie, y/n put it in i think the name is "the worst Christmas pageant ever" or something like that. it's kinda interesting based off a book too. the kids that live in a rundown junky place have to be part of a dumb Christmas pageant at there school.
a/n this is from memory it's been since 4th grade or so since i've seen the movie and read the book so sorry if it's wrong
meh, not all that interesting.

"you know, you would bring that cat for show and tell." y/ says out of nowhere.

"huh?" i reply so wisely.

"have you been paying attention? for show and tell they brought there cat that lost the eye and has been being starved and is crazy." she continues. i laugh slightly.

"possibly." sound a lot like kindergarten, kinda.

flash back to gene's childhood.
a/n that must be a scary place.

"show and tell's today geney what are you going to bring?" mom asked.

"i have something." i replied smirking. in my backpack i ad my goldfish, however he died a week ago. his eye is popped out and i kept it in a air tight baggy. once i got t school i as first up for show and tell.

i walk to the front of the class pulling out the fish and explaining his life story and how my cat apple who is just a kitten got to him and swatted his eye out. long story short i got sent to the office. mom was very upset with me.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now