10: Death Hug, Anyone?

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Only pic I was allowed to access
Editor: ...
Guys nobody tell her there isn't a picture okay


As I saw Gene glare at me I noticed that Dante was still worried. "I'm fine Dante, just thinking of my grandpa," I said putting on a false smile.

"And I was helping her, not trying to hurt her," Gene growled. He pushed Dante away and hugged me. It was a false hug and was more of a threat, to be honest, but I still fake hugged him back.

"Alright. Sorry for jumping to conclusions," he said sincerely. I could tell Dante thought something was up.

Dante's POV

Gene hugged y/n. He doesn't even hug me when I'm in a puddle of my own tears and blood. Something is up, not to mention Sasha and Zenix were trying to keep me away from the park. Is this why?

"Why don't you go back home while we talk?" Gene said intruding my thoughts.

"Uhm... okay?" I replied not really knowing what else to do. I mean hey if he is helping her, then I'm totally cool with it I guess.

Gene's POV

He interrupted my plans I don't like it. I squeezed y/n tighter making it harder for them to breathe, until Dante left. He took one more questioning glance at the hug and ran away. I let go and they rushed away from me a few feet.

"Something wrong?" I teasingly ask with a smirk.


"Something wrong?" He asked with his smirk. I want to punch it right off of his stupidly attractive face.

"Nothing." I said knowing he was waiting for a reply.

"Come on, we're going somewhere else. away from all the people," he said glancing around at the park. It was out in the open, and a lot of people milled about.

"Where?" I didn't really want to go somewhere and be murdered, so I had to ask.

Gene isn't dumb enough to commit murder though, right?

(Editors note: I mean. Not in Phoenix Drop High. Because that's illegal and morally wrong-
*Thinks an out mincraft murder*
Okay. Maybe you should run.)

"Doesn't it matter." He sneered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him.

Sorry for the short chapter Editor: No, no. By all means, continue this way. I'm enjoying it.

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