Roller rink and fight

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y/n's pov

i was laying on my bed thinking. this is usually dangerous for me. dad is out, i don't even want to call him that anymore. he divorced mom, fought for everything and on. he took home, money, me. he doesn't even like me  bet. my phone rings playing zero. someone changed their ringtone. i check the caller id. gene?

i answer "yello?"

"hey wanna hang out today?"

"where and why?" i kinda wanna stay with my thoughts, that's not safe though and i know it.

"ice rink, i wanna hang with you dolly." he says. is there a catch. though it's not smart i say it anyway.


"of course not." he  says, i can tell he's smirking on the other line. i sigh. got nothing better to do.

"fine i'll go." i get up

"pick you up in 15." he says before hanging up.

i get ready and head to the door after leaving a note in case my dad comes home before me, doubt he will though.

he picks me up and we drive to a ice skating rink.

once we get there and get everything ready we head to the ice. i'm not the best at ice skating. i wobble onto the ice and gene helps me. i fall on my butt 5 minutes late while on my first ap and gene chuckled.

"the point is to stay on your feet right?" he says.

"ha ha ha very funny." i respond and before he helps me up a pair of arms wrap around my mid-section and  he looks at gene.

"you know you should really help her instead of crack jokes." the rusty voice. i heard it before in hot topic, the one at the mall. ivan was his name.

"and you could leave people alone." gene retorts.

 i grab onto the wall as ivan threw a punch to gene. he growls and punches back. gene gave ivan a black eye and they started fighting. both of they had large bruises and bloody lips. i watch slightly nervous.

a/n sorry for any misspelled words  have a new computer and getting used to it

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