Guardian Demon

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a/n this is the song i was listening to near the end of the story, kinda dirty though.

y/n's pov

gross gene smiled slash smirked you know his usual disgusting, hot face. i mean not hot just ugh! gene is not hot don't think that. he said if i wanted to i could go to sleep. i want to sleep but i can't. fricking no medicine with me! he held me in his strong arms and cuddled me. i was calm and yawned, i don't like gene, not a bit but he makes me feel safe. like a guardian demon not going anywhere but hurting anyone who hurts me. i finally fall asleep in his arms.

*timeskip to morning :)*

i wake up on the couch wrapped in gene's arms and get up waking him up. we were at dante's birthday party and were watching a movie. everyone fell asleep but i couldn't. gene got beer and made me drink a little bit, okay morning memory doing good.

"morning dolly" gene says sitting and pulling my chair slightly.

"morning" i reply blankly, i have so much medication i need to take at home right now but can't because i'm not home. i hear dante on the phone.

"yeah can you bring them?" he asks into the phone as i look over. gene wraps his arms around my waist and chuckle deeply and darkly into my ear.

"get ready we're going to the mall today." he whispered into my ear. my ear twitched and i was confused but didn't fight. i nod and go to my backpack grabbing my ripped maroon jeans and black long sleeved crop top. i was tuning into dante's conversation and he started listing pill names.

"yeah and she needs her ibuprofen that's all." he finished. who's she and who is he talking to?

"get dressed hurry up." gene said interrupting my thoughts. i nod and head off to the bathroom changing making sure to cover my old scars. dante knocked and i went out.

"your dad is bringing your medication so don't leave before you get those." he told me.

"YOU TOLD HIM?!?!?" i scream at him and then clutch my ears from my sudden outburst of sound.

"yes A he should know B you need your medication and ibuprofen." he reasoned. annoyed i nodded.

"fine you're right but i don't like it" i say back to him. he smiled and went back to the living room waking everyone up. they started talking as gene impatiently waited for my dad. he finally came and dropped off my medication i thank him and take what i need to under the close eye of date.

"i'm not gonna try anything" i tell him but he doesn't believe me. i roll my eyes putting my medication into my backpack as gene grabs my hand and pulls me to his car. i get in and so does he as he drives us to the mall.

once we get there he's smirking as usual and walks into hot topic, of course the guardian demon goes there. i like that nickname, i'll ask him what he thinks later. he starts looking at the stuff there with me by his side when someone walks up.

"hey there" said a boy our age with bright red eyes and black hair. "what's your name cute meif'wa~?" he asked.

"uhm" i realy not really sure of what to do.

"ivan go no one wants you here."

"the lady can speak for herself" he retorted as he grabbed my tail and i whimpered slightly. gene glared at him and 'ivan' glared back. gene then punched him in the gut and grabbed my arm pulling me out of the store.

he really is my guardian demon if he acts like this.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now