egg muffins

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y/n's pov

that was a long and i mean LONG night i didn't sleep a wink. every time i tried gene made a noise or did something to remember and i tensed and stayed awake. when the morning finally came gene woke up and looked over to me.

"for my reward you cook breakfast" he said getting up. cook breakfast for him yipee. my sarcasm leaks to my face and he can tell since he smirked. "or~" he said  micheavoulously.

i cut him off, no way is that gonna happen "i'll cook no or" he frowned and nodded.

"okay" he said shrugging and getting up. i got up as well might as well i mean why not. we head downstairs and he showed me were his cooking supplies was and i decided to make egg muffins! they're not kidding my favourite breakfast yet. =) 

i grabbed out the bacon and eggs along with some milk, peppers, onions, ham and tomatoes. gene watched me confused, i grabbed the small muffin tray and lined them with bacon and started mixing the eggs and vegetables, milk and ham. i continued cooking and soon out them in the oven.

"what are you making exactly?" gene asked confused.

"egg muffins." i said calmly it's a normal special treat for me, i decided he had the ingredients i might as well make it. he looked at me confused and shrugged it off. we started talking about random shtuff and soon the timer went off. i grabbed them and put them on a plate for him, as much as i loved them i wasn't hungry.

dante came down from the wonderful smell produced by the egg muffins and asked "who made eggs and bacon?"

i giggled and responded with the truth "egg muffins" he was as confused as gene and dante but they ate some and enjoyed it. yay they liked it!

i need help guy, what should happen. plot twist or anything. i will yay or nay it but i need inspiration. i have an idea but that's a last resort o if you have any ideas please tell me thank you :)

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