Dessert? No Thank You

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your pov

i looked at him about to question more but reluctantly stopped myself. it hurt truly it did but i'm not gonna fight him he the pulled my hair again.

"come closer dolly~" he said as he pulled me closer by my hair. i stepped forward to so my hair didn't hurt as much. as gene had his sly smile on he grabbed my ears to quick for me to react. he grabbed them hard and pulled them. as he chuckled he looked down on me and saw tear in my eyes. my ears are more sensitive than any other place and more sensitive than most people. "heh does that hurt dolly?" he asked and let go. i quickly rubbed my ears as the timer went off. "oh the pizza's ready" gene said pointing out the obvious.

he grabbed an oven mitt and took the pizza out. i will admit i feel guilty because f*cking anxiety won't let me eat. yes i have anxiety around gene, i have anxiety around most people that i don't know well. as gene cut the pizza he kept glancing to my ears and hair? i don't really know why though. i gave off a questioning smile and he chuckled and ruffled my hair for some reason.

"sit." he ordered and i listened and sat at the island. he smiled at me with a 'good girl' face. i f*cking hate it. he's treating me like a pet. he handed me a plate with a slice on it and began eating, anxiety don't be a b*tch right now and let me act somewhat normal. i ate a little bit but kept stopping to look at him. when he was done eating i had only ate half of my pizza. he had 2 slices. "darling is something wrong?" he asked while standing next to me.

first off. what the f*ck did he just call me, second off. do i tell him the truth about my terrible anxiety. "no nothing." i replied simply. he smirked, but differently. this smirk had an idea behind it, usually he just smirks to smirk but this had a reason, i'm scared.

he sat on the chair next to me then sat me onto his lap. "you sure you seem a little nervous~" he murmured into my ear.

"i said i'm fine." i replies trying to get up and trying to remain calm. he wouldn't let me get up and kept me on his lap. he started talking about me finishing my food and what not. i tried to finish but my fricking anxiety. he then sat me back on the chair i originally was on. i was wondering what he was doing and stopped eating for a second to look at him to see what he was doing. i only had 1/4 of the slice left when he took my slice and shoved some in my mouth!? what? i was confused and he smiled like he accomplished something.

"there now you're eating faster." he stated and kept shoving some of the pizza into my mouth till i finished. when it was done he got up and laughed at me. "want some dessert~?" he asked. honestly i wish i had a say and could say no because i feel like throwing up right now. gene grabbed my hand and we went to his room. yay what's gonna happen now?

a/n part of the pizza story is true about me not eating pizza around some people, it was my health teachers and all but yeah not gonna be anything very pervy got it!

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