11: The Lake

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y/n's pov

As we started off to... wherever it was he was taking me, Gene kept looking around, with a nervous expression on his face.

"You will keep the truth away from Dante, understand?" he spoke after an eternity of silence. I nodded, but afterwards he looked down to me, expecting me to say something. I looked up meeting his cold hard gaze.

I looked back down to the ground. "Yes, Gene." Plain and simple, just how I want it to stay between us. A few more silent minutes passed before Gene suddenly stopped.

"We're here," he said, looking out to a lake

Gene's pov

I decided to go somewhere with less people, and took a risk to bring her to the lake I found. It's in the woods, and no one really comes here. "We're here." I said, looking out to the lake and then towards y/n. They looked up and saw the lake with a smile, if you could call it that.

"Why here?" They asked, which kind of annoyed me. I don't really know why, though.

"Because not a lot of people come here. Come on." I grabbed her wrist and brought her towards the dock. "So, Dolly. Are you alright?"

y/n's pov

"So, Dolly. Are you alright?" He asked after we sat down on the dock.

"Funny thing to say, don't you think?" I replied. Perhaps he'll find out that I'm not okay. That I, truly, want to die.

"What do you mean?" He growled while looking over to me.

"Obviously I'm not okay. Can you keep a secret from Dante?" I asked, questioning why I was about to trust this jerk.

"What is it, Dolly?" He asked, his

"my last words to my grandfather were 'i hate you' ever since he died I have been um... thinking stuff and um... yeah." i said hiding my face. what the hell am i doing y/n! ugh

Gene pov

as she finished up her sentence i glance towards her wrist as she pulled her jacket to cover her hands. as i smirked through my guilt of hurting her more i knew what i should do.

y/n pov

i looked over to him and saw he was smirking. "yes?"

he pounced on me, almost bringing both of us into the lake, wtf is he doing. "hey dolly why don't you show me your wrist?" he said while grabbing my jacket sleeves. sh*t I don't know what to do so i fought him. finally he won and saw my scars. he looked at my face filled with tears. he kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"i'm here to talk." he said

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now