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a/n so sorry t those who don't celebrate christmas but like many authors i will add in the holidays i celebrate so sorry and this will also be copied into the next and FINAL chapter on monday aka christmas day.

y/ns pov

gene called me panicking and i answer of course.

"allô oui?" i say, hey i need to practice my french.

"huh?!? uh anyway y/n i need help my family's coming over for christmas dinner and we need to decorate." he explains. i giggle.

"alrighty then be there soon." i hang up and head over. once i get there and knock he opens the door and i notice a bare tree that was put up a few days ago and boxes in the living room.

"hey babe" he says kissing me and i kiss back. we start decorating...well mostly me. gene kept getting sidetracked at the work and i caught him staring at me with his usual resting smirk a few times.

timeskip to the end

i finished putting on the star to their lonely little tree and giggle. "done" i say and feel gene wrap his arms around my waist picking me up.

"thanks a lot." he says.

"of course, decorating is so fun." i reply smiling. gene chuckles and we go to the couch and watch some christmas movies.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now