5: Dante's Reputation.

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Sorry if this chapter has a lot of mistakes. I'm eating dinner with a dog while writing this.

Editor note: 2017 mood though, Ms. Author

Y/n's POV

He just took my first kiss. I mean... I'm not that mad, he IS my best and only friend after all. But still. "Why did you do that?" I asked, blushing.

"To try and make you calm down...? I don't know!" he yelled, also blushing.

Dante's POV

As I kissed her, I was so happy(Editors note: Eeeey, I would be happy if I kissed me, too). I have wanted to do that even before she moved. I though I would never see her again, and well she was being mean to herself... So I made her stop. I didn't know what to do... I wasn't thinking.

Gene's POV... Uh-oh.

(Editors note: Uh-oh? Sounds like me when I find out about a test in AP French.)

I followed them out of the lunch room, making sure they didn't see me. Y/n started talking about sappy friendship stuff, blah blah blah... And then Dante grabbed her while she was pacing, and kissed her. I took my phone out while I was following them, so I had the camera out and ready, then took a picture. Perfect, I could already tell this would ruin her. She started talking, and both of them were blushing madly. I took that chance and slipped back to my gang, where they were waiting for my blackmail.

y/n pov

"Well you made me worry about one more thing, so great job." I said sarcastically, kind of mad at him.

"What did I make you worry about?" Dante asked, blind to the fact that was my first kiss.

"TELLING MY MOM I HAD MY FIRST KISS! I mean if ANYONE finds out, I'm screwed, and so are you."

"My reputation was already screwed," he said, chuckling

"What do you mean?" I was still mad, but now I was mad AND curious.

a/n I sound like the mayor from mod mod world REPUTATION REPUTATION!

Editors note: Idk what that is, but you do you, Ms. Author.

"Oh, well... Remember the red head Nicole? A-and the pink meif'wa Kawaii~chan?" I nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I dated both of them at the same time."

I laughed, "No wonder it's awkward around the three of you." When my laughed died down, I took a deep breath. "I don't feel so nervous to go back to the group anymore. Let's go." I said as I grabbed his hand. It was perfect timing, because the bell rang right then.

Editors note: Get used to my the commentary, it is going nowhere 😎

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