7: What did I do?

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Y/N's pov

"What about dolly?" Gene asked.

Sasha chimed in and said, "Dolly sounds like the perfect name. After all, she is a little toy for us to play with." A/N not meant to sound so pervy just saying
I kept quiet, I didn't want to argue with them knowing how they were, they probably could've chosen worse. I didn't want to make them hurt me or Dante.

I just have one question that's been looming over my head for a long time; does Gene hate Dante? And if so, why? I would ask, but I thought it would be better to keep my mouth shut.

Gene came over to me and grabbed my wrist.

"Dolly it is then. I'm glad," he said as he started to lean in closer to me. I could hear Sasha and Zenix snicker as Gene's smirk grew larger. I felt fear coursing through my veins, and I started freezing up. I thought of what he could be thinking or plotting, and then he spoke up.

"How did you like your first kiss? Are you excited for your mom to find out?"

I freaked out. He wasn't going to tell my mom, was he? He said he wouldn't before! "Please don't tell her..." I weakly pleaded. He laughed a sinister laugh.

"What do I get if I don't tell?" He smirked again and let go of me. He started towards his group and looked back over to me.

Gene's pov

I looked back over to y/n and realized what their fear is. They were scared to be in a relationship, and their fear was being loved. If I do that, my mom will stop pestering me for a soulmate and they will be scared. Along with Dante paying for taking everyone I have even merely thought of dating. Plus, if things go well with Sasha and Zenix, Y/N will replace them. "so... y/n, you don't want me to tell your mom, while I want to scare you sh*tless, so... who's going to win?" I asked.

They stared at me worried that I'll tell. "Just don't tell anyone please. I will do what you say, just... please..." They pleaded. I couldn't help it, I laughed. They were so meek and worried.

"Anything you say. Perfect. You go home, and we'll take your offer. See you at the park tomorrow, okay Dolly?" I asked with a wink.

y/n pov

What did I just get myself into?

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now