4: The Thing

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Y/n pov

I looked over to them just to see Gene smirking. He turned and said something to the other, making them snicker. I took this chance to whisper a question to Dante. "Who are they? I know Gene... but who are the ones with grey and brown hair?"

He looked at them with disdain. "The other two are Sasha and Zenix. Don't hang around them, they're bad news."

I nodded, though I was a little curious about why. I mean, Gene might bully me, but I didn't really know anything about the other two yet.

Gene's pov

As I looked over to [Name], I saw she was looking at me. I smirked, already having a plan in mind. I told Sasha and Zenix. "You see the new girl? Well, she use to live here. Coming back was a bad idea on her part. Now, she gets to experience first hand how bad I got. When I find out what Dante plans to do with her, we'll crush her faith with him and humanity." They laughed at the idea and what it would be like.

Your pov

As they laughed, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I tried to block out the sound.

Timeskip to lunch

As I looked around the lunch room, I saw two familiar heading towards me from different directions. Gene and Dante. You can guess who reached me first.

"Hey, newbie. How about you sit with me and my friends?" He took my arm before I could say anything.

"No... and don't call me that. I have a name." I got annoyed at him and his nickname right away. Dante finally got to us.

"Gene, stop. Leave her alone." He smirked, and left us alone without a fight.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Dante asked.

"No, but can I talk to you in private before we go to your table?" I asked, worried he would say no.

"Sure." He nodded understandingly.

The hallway was luckily empty. "Dante... I don't know if I can become friends with Katelyn and the others. I get nervous around any large crowd, plus I'm a still sad about my grandpa. He was my best, and only friend where I moved, and I didn't socialize with people other than him." I opened my heart to him, hoping he'd understand.

"Calm down, it'll be alright. Just don't think about it to much."

"How can I calm down? I'm going to make a complete fool of m-" I was cut off by his lips. My first kiss.

kiss above sorry for "long" chapter.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now