a game?

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a/n sorry for not writing and when i do write it being super short and the sad thing is i have no excuse other than being lazy so really sorry but hope you enjoy this

timeskip to at gene's place in his room
y/n's pov

"so what do you want to do?" i asked awkwardly. he chuckled then put on his famous smirk.

"i was thinking of looking through your little sketchbook" gene said he was still drying off while talking, we were both still wet from swimming in the lake.  i didn't like that idea and he knew i didn't like that idea but he wanted to anyway.

"uhm-"i started but was quickly cut off by gene who smirked at me and told me i didn't have a choice. i knew i didn't have a choice but i might as well try. he went over to my bag and grabbed my sketchbook. "uhm my drawings are really depressing." i warned him hoping he would reconsider.

"i know i want to see them still." he said with his famous smirk still plastered onto his face as he opened up my book to see the horrors of my mind.

a/n i'm going to put one drawing i didn't draw it but it is really cool but depressing so beware.

a/n i'm going to put one drawing i didn't draw it but it is really cool but depressing so beware

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wow he flipped to my favourite one. the memory of my grandpa's death has been tearing me apart.

gene's pov

as i opened the sketchbook to a random page i saw  drawing that though is good depressing. i know y/n is depressed but i didn't realize how bad she had it. i decided to try and help in the sneakiest way possible hopefully.

"hey y/n come here." i said plainly.

she looked up and took a step forward. i grabbed her waist and pulled her into a hug. "w-what are you doing?" she questioned but i didn't talk. i just held her. she tried to move away but i held her tighter.

"you're staying stop fighting it." i said holding y/n close to my chest. "i'm here to talk" i said while tossing the sketchbook off the bed and laying down with her. i didn't want the moment to end but of course it had to, i had gotten hungry noticing y/n almost asleep i decided to get up. "hey y/n before going to bed let's get something to eat." she got up and nodded.

your pov

he got up and i got up with him. he grabbed my hand and i almost pulled away before he gave me a look telling me not to fight. as we went downstairs he asked what i would like. i already know i don't have a choice but i answered anyway. "i don't really care" i replied quietly. in the kitchen he looked at me and smiled a actual smile not a smirk but it lasted only a few seconds before returning to his signature face.

he went to the kitchen and told me to follow. i listened to him reluctantly but still listened. when we were in the kitchen he went to the freezer and grabbed a frozen pizza. as he preheated the oven and did all that stuff he started talking to me. out of nowhere he asked me to come closer, i didn't like the idea of being close to gene i don't really trust him for obvious reasons but i'm also scared of him. i don't know what he would do if i didn't listen but i'm gonna do the dumbest thing ever and question him. "why?"

"because i said now come here." he replied sternly. i inched forward and he grabbed my wrist.

"ow!" i yelped by accident. i didn't mean to but he did nothing but look at me disapprovingly. he pulled me closer and lifted my chin up to stare him in the eyes.

"it's okay i'm here." he whispered and then lifted my head up a little more. he lowered his head and about to kiss me when i finally processed it and tried to pull it away. he held me tighter and kissed me quickly but roughly. i was able to pull back when he smirked. "dolly you seem upset."

"..." i was so mad at him and don't know how to process something like this. i was so upset but couldn't do anything about it.

"wanna play a little game~?"he cooed into my ear. i don't have a choice i know but i might as well ask a few questions.

"what game?"

"it's a surprise dolly." he cooed some more as he went to grab my arm. i took a step back and he got upset. "it's part of the game" he said and went to grab my arm once more. i took one more step back but he went to grab it once more and succeeded. it hurt but not enough for me to tell him to knock it off.

"w-why is t-this part of the g-game?" i asked quietly.

he looked at me with eyes full of mischief and said "because i want it to be part of the game~"

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