Finale with a kiss

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a/n sorry for those who don't celebrate christmas but happy holidays and ope you enjy the finale of book one. book two will come out sometime in the future and this summer i'm gonna have a new brother or sister so updates may be slow. sorry.

gene's pov

i was holding y/n and she was watching a movie she forced me to watch "Christmas Mail" with her. we're talking and y/n hands me a small box. i look at it confused.

"go ahead." she says.


"your christmas present silly." she replies.

"oh," i chuckle opening the box to see an amazing pocket knife that looked like a dragon. i smile, "thank you so much."

"of course, i saw it at a thrift shop and thought of you

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"of course, i saw it at a thrift shop and thought of you. merry christmas."

"i got you something too get dressed in something warm." i say.

y/n's pov


"we're going out in half an hour." he says


we were walking to a concert that's inside. i'm smiling and notice it's a set it off concert.

"gene are you serious?!!?!"

"i won the tickets over the radio." he says and my smile stays as i hug him tightly. the fact that my first concert is on christmas with my gaurdian demon makes me feel wonderful. we listen to the band as gene wraps his arm around my waist and i snuggle into his chest. it's slightly chilly but not like the winter wonderland outside.

the last song of the night that they are playing "Plastic Promises"  a great one in my opinion.

"you know y/n i deleted the picture." he says.

"you did?!?"

"yeah i deleted it after the incident at the lake. i realized i didn't want to make you unhappy and that i don't want you to be a pawn but my girlfriend. i'm sorry." he says and with shock i nod understanding every word. i hug him kissing his cheek.

the concert ends and we go to the lake from so long ago it seems. we walk onto the frozen lake and skate around in our shoes. we laugh and fall a few times. we go to the center of the lake and he kisses me. i kiss back happy for what seems like a first since my grandpa died.

Gene x Reader New school, Old bulliesWhere stories live. Discover now