chapter 23

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I woke up to someone jumping on the bed, I open my eyes and it was Louis that jumped on the bed "go away Louis" I said "no you get up so you can help wake everyone up" he said "you can do that yourself" I said "it more fun when we both jump on someone" Louis said "fine" I said then he left. I look over at Harry "Hazza wake up" I said "I am up" Harry said "you must woke up when Louis jumped on the bed" I said "yea even though I should be used to it" he said. I kiss his cheek "have fun waking the boys up" Harry said. I get up and Louis was waiting on me outside the room "ok so who first" I asked "Calum" Louis said. We went to the room Calum slept in and we jumped on the bed "time to get up Calum" I said, he sat up "I guess the Tomlinson siblings get excited about parties" Calum said "I like parties but I'm doing this because Louis wanted me to" I said "oh ok" he said.

We got up and left the room then we went to Niall room and jumped on his bed "oof" Niall said "get up Niall" Louis said shaking him. "one of you hit me in the balls when you jumped on the bed" Niall said and I laughed "I think it was you Lexi" he said "aw sorry Nialler" I said then I kissed his cheek. We left his room and went and woke everyone else up but Ashton and he next. We went in the room he was in and jumped on the bed, we started shaking him so he would get up. He got up and tackled me on the bed and started tickling me "Lou was doing it too" I said "I know but I thought it would be fun to just tickle you" Ashton said still tickling me and I laughed some more.

"Say I'm the best singer" Ashton said and stopped tickling me "I'm the best singer" I said "smarty" he said then started tickling me again. He tickled me for a few minutes "say I am the best singer and I will stop" Ashton said "nev- nefver" I manage to say and he kept tickling me. "Fi- fine yo- you are th- the bes- best singer" I said then he stopped tickling me. We got up and went downstairs "Lexi said that I was the best singer" Ashton said "what" Niall said "he was tickling me" I said "oh ok" Niall said. "Food ready" Harry said coming out of the kitchen, we went in the kitchen and ate.

When we finished eating we went in the living room and sat on the couch "what time is the party" I asked "9:30" Louis said "ok" I said. "So Lexi why did you decide to live with them" Michael asked "I wanted to" I said "was it before or after you started dating Harry" Luke asked "before" I said "and they kept it secret from me" Louis said. "How long" Ashton asked "2 weeks" Harry said "wasn't long" Calum said "they was going on tour the next day that why" I said. "Oh ok" Luke and Michael said.

We talked for a little bit longer "can you sing Lexi?" Ashton asked "yes" I said "will you sing for us since we haven't heard you sing?" Calum asked "sure" I said. I think of what song I was going to sing, I decided to sing Amnesia and I started singing. I finished singing "that was really good" Luke said "yea" Ashton, Calum and Michael said agreeing. "Tell us a fact about you" Michael said "like what" I asked "anything" Ashton said "I have a fear of spiders and singing calm me down" I said. "Wait we didn't know singing calms you down" Harry said "I did" Louis said "well of course you did you are her brother" Liam said.

"So if you are upset or something you sing and you calm down" Calum said "well not if I sing if someone else sings" I said "good to know" Liam said. "Louis have you had to sing to calm Lexi down before" Luke asked "yes a few times" Louis said. We talked a little more then we decided to go outside and play soccer, we all grabbed some water bottles and we went outside. "Wait how is this going to work since there are 9 of us" Michael asked "one team will have one more than the other" Liam said "is that how you always do it" Ashton asked "yes" I said.

"So I guess two people pick who they want" Calum said "yes, me and Louis usually pick" I said "I call Calum" Louis said "I want Ashton" I said "I pick Luke" Louis said. "I pick Michael" I said "Hazza" Louis said "Niall" I said "well I guess I will be on Louis team" Liam said, we started playing. While we was playing I went to kick the ball and so did Michael and Liam then we fell "I always fall at least once while playing soccer" I said "never fails" Louis said then Liam helped me and Michael up.

Almost two hours later we finished and we went inside, we sat on the couch. We watched tv for hours then we got the house ready for the party. About 5 minutes later people started coming, I looked over at Niall and he already had a drink in his hand. I went over to him "already drinking the party haven't even been going on that long" I said "it just one for now" Niall said. "Ok" I said, I seen my friend Poppy and I went over to her "hey Poppy" I said "hey Lexi" she said "how are you and Abby doing" I asked "we broke up" she said "oh sorry to hear that" I said "its fine" she said. About a hour and a half into the party there was a lot of people, some of which was drunk. "We are going to play spin the bottle if you want to play come get in the circle!" I heard Louis yell over the music and people.

I went over to where Louis was and sat down "ok so a boy and a girl have to kiss on the lips" Louis said "what about 2 girls" Poppy asked "if you get a person of the same sex you can kiss on the lips or the cheek" Louis said. I looked around at the people in the circle and Harry, Niall, Ashton, Michael, Liam, Poppy and other people I didn't know was in it. "Wait Harry are you and Lexi going to kiss someone else since you are in the circle" Liam asked "yes it just a game" Harry said "are you ok with that Lex" Louis asked me "yes" I said.

"Ok let's start" Niall said, Louis spun the bottle first and it landed on a girl with blonde hair. He went over to her and kissed her. A few more people spun the bottle then it was my turn, I spun it and it landed on Poppy. "Are we going to have the first girl and girl kiss of the game" Ashton joked, I went over to Poppy and I was going to kiss her cheek but then she kissed me. After we kissed I went back to where I was sitting.

We played for about 10 more minutes then we stopped, I went over to where the drinks was and got one. Harry came over and got one too "I knew Poppy would have done that" I said "how?" Harry asked "she is gay" I asked "oh" he said. Niall came over and got a drink "I think you had enough to drink Niall" I said "shut up I'm Irish" he said obviously drunk then he walked away.

A few hours later everyone at the party was drunk including me "IT ALMOST MIDNIGHT SO KISS SOMEONE IF YOU WANT!!" Louis yelled. I walked around and bump into Harry, a few seconds later it was midnight and everyone yelled HAPPY NEW YEAR. Harry kissed me and I kissed back, I seen Louis kiss a girl with brown hair.

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