chapter 38

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I wait a few minutes, my hands are shaking, I picked the test up and looked at it and it was positive. I walk out of the bathroom and put my arm, that had the pregnancy test in it, behind my back. I went in mine and Harry room "hey babe" Harry said "hey I have to tell you something" I said "ok what is it" he said. I sit down by him "I'm pregnant" I said "what really" Harry said "yes really this isn't a prank" I said taking my hand from behind my back and showed him the test.

He stood up and kissed me "wanna go tell the boys" he asked "yes" I said. I stood up and stuck the test in Harry pocket "to hide it" I told Harry. We went downstairs and stood in front of the boys "we are trying to watch tv" Niall said "well we want to tell you something" I said "ok tell us" Louis said "I am pregnant" I said "is this a prank" Louis asked "yea this is your favorite prank" Liam said "this is not a prank" Harry said. I took the pregnancy test out of Harry pocket, I gave it to Louis and the boys looked at it. "You really are pregnant" Louis said "yep first one direction baby" I said.

"Not good timing we start the tour on Friday" Liam said "yea you are going to pregnant for the tour" Niall said "yea and I will have the baby in a different country" I said "no we will be in the UK somewhere then" Liam said. Me and Harry sat on the couch and we all talked. "Louis is Eleanor coming over" I asked "no not for the rest of the week" he said "call her on Skype so I can tell her" I said. Louis got his phone out and called Eleanor on Skype "hey babe" she said when she answers "hey Lexi have something to tell you" Louis said then handed me his phone.

"It it bad news" Eleanor asked "no it not bad" Harry said "I'm pregnant" I said "oh my god really" she said "yep" I said then Louis slowly moved the pregnancy test into frame. Me and Eleanor talked for about 20 minutes "ok Lexi let me talk to my girlfriend" Louis said "yea I have to go in about 10 minutes" Eleanor said. I gave Louis his phone back, me and Harry went upstairs and told our family and a few friends.

We went downstairs after we are done and Louis was holding a soccer ball "is that yours or mine" I asked "mine" he said "we are going to play" Liam said "I will play a little, I'm tired from practice" I said "or you could be tired since you are pregnant" Harry said "true" I said. We went outside and it was me, Harry, and Niall versus Louis and Liam. We played for about 10 minutes then I threw up "ok I'm done you guys can play" I said then sat down to watch them. While they was playing Liam kicked the ball and it hit Harry in the stomach "are you ok babe" I asked "yes at least I didn't get hit in the balls" he said "yea you get hit in the balls a lot" Louis said.

I watched for about 10 more minutes then I got on my phone. The ball went past my head "hey that almost hit me!" I said putting my phone down "sorry" Niall said. I get the ball and Harry came over, I put my arms behind me "you got to give me a kiss for the ball" I said "or I can just take it from you" Harry said. I tried keeping Harry from getting the ball but he took it, he kissed me then ran over to the boys.

They finished playing about 30 minutes later. We went inside and sat on the couch, I rest my head on Harry shoulders. I got on my phone and went on Twitter "I went on Twitter and tweeted I threw up earlier and a few minutes ago and now I'm getting asked if I'm pregnant" I said "are you going to say that you actually are pregnant" Louis asked "sure" I said. I tweeted saying that I was pregnant and the boys retweeted it. We watched tv and Louis ordered pizza. We watched some movies and ate pizza then went to bed.

(3 days later)
Harry alarm went off and I groaned, he got out of bed and got dressed "come on babe" he said. I groaned again and got up. I got dressed and put a beanie on, Louis and Liam came in the room "ok just making sure you are awake" Louis said. We bring our suitcases downstairs, we finished bringing them downstairs just in time Paul arrived. He help us put them in the car, we got in the car and he drove us to the airport. We get there and we get on the plane "private planes are the best" I said. We sit down and I sit by Harry "wake me up when we get there" I said.

I woke up to Liam telling us we landed, we stood up and got off the plane. We went to the car with security around us and some fans screaming. We got in the car and the driver drove us to the hotel. "Do you have to do anything today" I asked "a concert" Liam said. When we got to the hotel we went to our rooms, me and Harry shared a room.

(Several hours later)
We are backstage, the boys are ready to go onstage and I'm playing with Lux. They went onstage a few minutes later and me and Lou talked about stuff. There was also a tv backstage where you could watch the boys.

When the concert was over the boys came backstage "very sweaty boys" I said. Harry wrapped his arms around me "very sweaty and stinky" I said and Niall laughed.
Since they are on tour there will be a lot of time skips to just interesting parts

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