Chapter 45

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(2 months later)
Me and Harry are cuddling on the tour bus while the boys was playing FIFA. About 10 minutes later Liam, Niall and Louis came out of the room. They started messing with me "boys stop" I said but they didn't. I kick Louis in the balls and Niall puts his hands in the air and backed up a little. "How come it always me you kick when we mess with you" Louis asked "you're always closer but I have got Liam once" I said.

Niall sat down on the couch "Didn't James come to London" I asked "yep and we have an interview with him tonight" Liam said "I think he came to see us again before the baby is born" Harry said. "Yea and not long until we find out his name" Louis said. Niall rubbed my stomach "move Niall I wanna talk to my nephew" Louis said pushing Niall. "Louis you have to much energy" I said as Louis got close to my stomach and started talking.

"He needs to go outside and run or something" Niall said "well get the soccer ball and go outside with him" I said. Louis stopped talking to the baby "oh yea I forgot we went to the mansion to get it" he said. Louis went and got the ball then went outside the tour bus with Niall. "Is his name Liam" Liam asked "no" I said "you should name him Liam" Liam said. I went to hit Liam but he moved, Harry kissed my head "just ignore him Lex" he said.

Later on Niall came inside the tour bus with Louis behind him and Louis had the ball under his shirt "Louis is pregnant" Niall said "boy or girl Louis" I asked. "Let's find out" Louis said, he acted like he was pushing then took it out of his shirt "it's a ball" Louis said. Louis and Niall sat down, I ruffled Niall hair. We talked for about 20 minutes then I laid down in one of the bunk beds to try and take a nap.

A few hours later I wake up to Harry waking me up "what Harry" I said "are you going to stay here while we do the interview" he asked "no I'm coming" I said. I got up and we went inside, we talked until they had to go do the interview and I stayed backstage and watched on the tv. About 8 minutes later "where Lexi" James asked "backstage" Louis said "will one of you get her" James asked. The boys all looked at each other, Harry got up and came backstage "James want to see you" Harry said. I get up slowly then someone put a mic on me. Me and Harry went back out there together, we sat down on the couch.

After the interview finished we went backstage "do you guys have to do anything tomorrow" I asked "a concert but other than that just going to chill" Liam said. "Can we go back to the house tonight" I asked "not tonight" Harry said "it to far away from where we are doing the concert" Liam said.We got in the car and Paul drove us to the hotel.

(Next day)
Me and Harry are watching tv when Niall comes in the room "Nialler" I said "Lex" Niall said. Niall sat on the bed and we talked, Liam came in the room about 20 minutes later "Liam is Ryan(security guard) going to drive Harry's car to where the concert is again" I asked "yes" Liam said. Niall looked at the time "I think it time to go" he said "yep" Liam said. Niall stood up, I get up slowly then me, Harry, Niall and Liam went to get Louis. We went in his room "Louis let's go" Liam said. Louis got up and we all went to Paul room, we went to the car with Paul and another security guard. We got in the car and Paul drove.

Backstage the boys was getting ready to go onstage and my water broke. "Harry it time" I said, Harry came over to me and Liam, Louis and Niall turned around. "Let's go!" Louis said "no you stay here with Liam and Niall, do the concert then come to the hospital" I said "but" Louis said "no buts just do it" I said. "Come on Louis" Liam said. Me and Harry went out to his car and got in. Harry drove to the hospital.

(2 hours later, Louis pov)
We finished the concert and we went backstage "I got 2 pictures, one of Lexi holding the baby and one of Harry holding him" I said then showed the boys. "Let's go to the house and take a shower" Niall said "NO HOSPITAL!" I yelled. "You don't want to stink when you meet your nephew right" Liam said "guess not" I said. We went outside and got in Liam car, that Ryan brought in the middle of the concert, and Liam drove to the house.

When we got to the house I got out of the car and ran inside. I went in my room, grabbed some clean clothes. I went in the bathroom then took my clothes off and got in the shower. 5 minutes later I get out and got dressed. I ran out of the bathroom "Liam Niall let's go" I yelled "I'm still taking a shower" Liam yelled back "been in there long enough" I yelled. I went downstairs and waited for them. A minute later Liam and Niall came downstairs "ok let's go" Liam said. We went out to the car and Liam drove.

When we got to the hospital we got out of the car and went inside. We went to the lady at front desk and Liam asked which room Lexi was in. "Room 260" she said, we went to the room. We opened the door the door slowly and popped our head in then went inside

(Lexi pov)
I was holding the baby talking to Harry when someone opened the door slowly then Louis, Niall and Liam popped there head in then came in the room. "Weirdos" I said and Niall laughed "what his name" Louis asked. "His name is Lucas Matthew Styles" Harry said "wanna hold him Louis" I asked "yes" Louis said. I handed Lucas to Louis. "I wanna hold him" Niall said "ok" I said.

When Louis was done holding Lucas he gave him to Niall "he looks a lot like Harry" Niall said "yea he does" I said. Lucas started crying "shh" Niall said and tried to get him to stop crying, he stopped crying "Louis couldn't shut up about you was giving birth tonight" Liam said "he was just excited" Harry said "very" Niall said. "Payno do you want to hold him" Niall asked after 5 minutes "sure" Liam said and Niall handed Lucas to Liam.

A few minutes later Lucas started crying and Liam tried getting him to stop "he doesn't like Liam" Louis said "he probably need a diaper change or he is hungry" I said. Harry got Lucas "he does need to be changed but I think he also hungry" Harry said then changed Lucas diaper. Harry handed him to me "well we should get going" Liam said. Louis kissed my forehead "see you in a few days" he said and I groaned, Niall and Liam kissed my forehead then they left.

Harry phone started ringing about 5 minutes later, he took it out of his pocket "Ashton calling me on Skype" he said then answered. "Where the baby" Ashton asked "right now being fed" Harry said "well what his name" Michael asked "Lucas Matthew Styles" Harry said. "Ashy" I said "Lexi!" Ashton said. "Show Lexi" Calum said "but she feeding Lucas" "Harry they can't see my boobs just move by me so we can talk to them"I said. Harry moved the chair closer and we talked.

(A few days later)
We could go back home now "ready to go?" Harry asked "yep" I said. Harry grabbed Lucas's car seat and we left the hospital and went to the car. Harry put the car seat in the car then opened the door for me and I got in. Harry got in the driver seat.

When we got to the house I get out of the car while Harry get Lucas. We went inside "Lexi Harry!" Niall said. Harry put Lucas car seat down, Louis ran over and hugged Harry "someone excited" I said. Louis pulled me into the hug too. I get Lucas out of his car seat "let's go on a tour" I said "this is the living room" Louis said. We walked around downstairs then we went upstairs "this is mum and dad room" I said to Lucas "this is where you was conceived" Louis said "oh my god Louis" Harry said "Uncle Louis is weird" I told Lucas "so is uncle Niall and Liam" Louis said. We went in Lucas room "this is your room" I said.

After a few minutes we went downstairs, I sit on the couch holding Lucas. Harry sat down by me. We sat there watching for about 30 minutes, I fed Lucas then he went to sleep. All of of sat on the couch watching tv.

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