Chapter 43

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I woke up to someone shaking me "leave me alone" I said "we are going swimming" Louis said "you guys can swim I'm gonna stay in bed" "I'll stay with Lexi" Eleanor said. "Guess it just us boys" Niall said, Eleanor got in the bed with me. Harry kissed me then my stomach then left with the boys. Me and Eleanor laid in the bed and talked for about 5 minutes then we decided to go out to the pool. I put my maternity swimsuit on then we went out to the pool.

When we got out to the pool Niall and Louis was splashing each other and Harry was talking to someone at the edge of the pool that could be a fan. Eleanor jumped in the pool and swam over to Louis. I went over to the pool where Harry and the girl was and sat down at the edge of the pool "Lexi" the girl said "ello" I said "can I touch your stomach" she asked "sure" I said. She put her hand on my stomach, we talked for a few minutes then she left with her mum. I got in the water then hit Harry butt, Harry pulled me close to him. Liam swam over to us "I see you decided to join us" he said "yep" I said.

We swam for about an hour then we went back to our rooms. We got changed "I saw your ass" I said "well I seen everything" Harry said walking over to me. I gave him a quick peck then sat on the bed. Louis and Niall came in the room "a shirtless Niall have just appeared" I said and he laughed. Louis started tickling me and I laughed, he continued to tickle me "st-stop" I said in between laughs. He stopped tickling me after a couple of minutes "I peed a little" I said "gross" Louis said. We talked for about 25 minutes then Louis and Niall left.

(4 hours later)
Me and Harry was cuddling when Liam in the room "come on let's go" he said. We got up and went to the bus. We got in the bus and there was a few clothes on the ground "we put the luggage in here an hour ago and Louis already have clothes on the ground" I said. We talked while Paul drove "so after the interview with James are we heading straight to Mexico" I asked "yes" Niall said. We talked until we finally arrived.

We hang out backstage until it time for our interview. We came out and sat on the couch, James asked us a few questions. "Harry did you think about naming the baby James" James said "no" Harry said "you was always my favorite" James said to Liam, everyone laughed. "I haven't seen anyone ask this but was this a planned pregnancy" James asked "no it wasn't planned" Harry said "so you just had sex without a condom just to do it" James asked.

"Why are we talking about this" I asked "I have no idea" Niall said. "We had sex with condoms mostly but every now and again we didn't" Harry said "can we stop talking about sex" I asked "I would like that" Liam said. "Ok so what's the weirdest thing that you seen thrown onstage" James asked "underwear" Niall said "I seen condoms" I said. "I seen some too" Harry said "oh yea I seen a few" Louis said "yep that the weirdest thing" Liam said "I guess I'm the only one that haven't seen them on stage" Niall said.

"Were they in the packet or" James said "they was in the packet" Harry said "did you ever picked one up and kept it" James asked "no" Liam said "um... no" Harry said "I think you have Harry" Louis said. "Maybe once or twice" I said. James asked us some more questions then the interview was over. We went back to the bus.

(5 days later)
We are doing a meet and greet and a 15 year old girl came over and us then we took a picture. We took pictures with about 9 more fans then there was a kid about 5 or 6 who was afraid to meet me. "Apparently I'm scary" I whispered to Niall, Harry went over to her and hugged her. He came back over with her then we hugged her and took a picture. We met a lot more fans and took more pictures.

We had a few more fans left, I seen a pregnant woman and a woman with brown hair with a 1 year old. The pregnant woman came over to us, she hugged Louis first then Harry. After Harry was Liam then me then Niall. "How far along are you" I asked her "6 months" she said "I think Lexi just made a friend" Niall said "how old are you" I asked "20" she said. We took a picture then the last fan came up to us "she so cute how old is she" I asked "1" the woman holding her said. Harry started talking to the 1 year old and she was just looking at him "I don't think she like you Styles" Liam said.

"What are your guys names" I asked "I am Lucy and this River" Lucy said. "Hi river" I said "say hi" Lucy told River. Louis started making faces and River laughed a little "Louis got her to laugh!" Liam said. River pointed to my stomach "baby" she said. "Yes can you say hi to the baby" Lucy said "hi" River said "aw" Niall and Harry said "so cute" I said. Me and Harry was talking to Lucy then River started reaching for Louis "I think River wants to be held by Louis" Niall said.

Louis took River "River who got you" Lucy asked "Lou" River said. We talked a little bit more then took a picture. "Bye bye" River said as Lucy was walking away. I yawned "someone is tired" Louis said "just a little" I said. We left with Paul and went back to the hotel.

We was heading to our rooms when we seen a luggage cart in the hallway. Louis and Liam ran to it and started pushing each other trying to get in it "you push me first" Louis said "no you push me first" Liam said. "Boys stop" I said and they did "Liam get in it" I said. "Yes!" Liam said then sat in the luggage cart "who going to push me?" Liam asked "I will" Niall said then started pushing Liam. "My turn" Louis said pulling Liam out of the luggage cart then getting in, Liam pushed him in the luggage cart.

"I'm want to get pushed in the luggage cart" Niall said "me too" Harry said "I do to" I said. Louis got out of the luggage cart "who next?" Liam asked "Lexi" Niall said "Niall or Harry" I said "someone get in" Louis said. Niall got in then after Niall was done me and Harry got on "to our room!" I said. Liam laughed and pushed us to our room. "Here is your room" Liam said when he got there. We got off the luggage cart and went in our room.

I laid down on the bed and Harry laid down by me, I poked Harry cheek and he smiled. We lay there talking and watching tv for a few hours. Niall came in the room "hey Niall" Harry said "hey" Niall said. Niall sat on the bed "have he been kicking" Niall asked "yes but right now he not" I said. "What have you been doing" Harry asked "just chilling I got bored so I came in here" Niall said "don't we have a concert tonight" I asked "yep" Niall said.

We sat there and talked for a couple hours. Liam and Louis came in the room "come on lets go" Liam said. Harry and Niall got up "but I'm comfortable" I said "then stay here" Louis said "I don't wanna stay" I said then got up. We went out to the car and got drove to where the concert was.

(40 minutes later)
Liam was talking about stuff "Liam?" Louis said "yes?" Liam said "may I go for a wee" Louis asked "no" Liam said. "Liam can I" I asked "no" Liam said. "I'm pregnant I can't hold it" I said "ok both of you go" Liam said. Louis ran backstage, I went backstage and went to the bathroom. After I used the bathroom and headed back onstage "tommo are you back" Liam said "yep" Louis said "do we have the other Tomlinson" Liam said "I'm here" I said. "Ok since both Tomlinsons are back this is drag me down" Liam said.

(35 minutes later)
I was doing a chat but I ran out of things to talk about "it been 2 minutes and I already don't know what else to talk about" I said. I looked around and I seen Harry was wearing a tiara that a fan must of thrown on stage. I went over to the boys "princess Harry" I said and Niall laughed. "How are you princess Harry" I asked "I'm good" he said "and how long have you been a princess" I asked "about 30 seconds" Harry said "so not very long" I said.

Harry took the tiara off then stood up, he put it on me. "You are my princess" Harry said "aw" Liam and a lot of fans said "and you are my prince" I said. "Alright love birds stop and let's sing the next song" Niall said. "What the next song" I asked "pregnancy brain" Louis said "this is act my age" Niall said.

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