~story 4~

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M/n's POV
I was at a party sitting down by the bar. I was loosening my tie from around my neck because it was tight. I saw a figure lean over looking towards me and I just ignored it. I wasn't in the mood to talk and I hated being around big formal parties. "Can I but you a drink?" A voice said. It was male and it sounded somewhat familiar. I looked over to see a brown eyed brunette. "Tony stark?" I said staring at him. "The one and only." He said. I knew he was a playboy but I never knew he was into men also. "Um... sure I would like a drink." I replied. "Two drinks heavy on the rocks!" Tony said slurring his words. I could tell he was also already somewhat drunk so it might have been the drink and he might not be into men. As our drinks arrived I slowly drank mine. As I came to a finish I looked over to see two brown eyes staring at me. "You're handsome." He said. "Thanks?" I said confused. He leaned into my ear. "I bet you even look better gripping the sheets of my bed~" He said purring at the end. I felt my face go red as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards the exit.


The door was violently opened as I felt myself being thrown onto a bed. I moaned as a knee was rubbing into my groin. I felt a pair of lips on my neck along with teeth. I moved my hands up and down the males body finally settling on his shirt, tearing it open. I moved my hands up and down the males torso feeling his abs and chest. I closed my eyes moaning as I felt a object rub against my crouch.

"M/n!" A voice said. I groaned opening my eyes looking up to see my mom standing above me. My eyes winded "It was just a dreammmmmm" I whined. "It's time for school, go!" My mom said.

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