~Story 15~

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Tony's POV
I heard my alarm clock go off and I reached over go turn it off. I immediately regretted doing so reaching my hands op to grab my throbbing head. "Ugh... what happened last night?" I said slowly reaching a hand back down to turn off the alarm clock. I leaned up feeling a pain in my lower back. I groaned before widening my eyes. I quickly pulled the sheets off myself exposing my naked lower half. I could see cum all over my lower half. I looked around seeing most of my clothes everywhere around my room. The throbbing in my nether region only proved I was the submissive to a male. I blushed trying my best to remember last night. Why would I have sex with a male? Where was I last night? I thought to myself. I got up moving my legs over the side of the bed going to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water getting in not having to worry about stripping. I sighed running all the possible males that would possibly want to have sex with me. I mean, my parents are rich. But still... I am that nerd in college, but. It would make since hat I don't remember considering that I do drink a lot.

As I get out of the shower I put on some boxers and pants, that way my roommate--- could it have been my roommate? I quickly thought. I sighed probably overthinking it and walked out of my room. My roommate was where he always was. On his phone. I walked into the kitchen and he looked at me. "Morning, stark. I hope you aren't planning on cooking breakfast." He said in his energetic tone. I gave him a glare before pulling out a bottle of Advil. "Oh, and by the way. If you are going to be horny, can you at least not ask our neighbor to come over?" He said standing up and walking into his room. I blushed almost choking on the Advil. I asked our neighbor!? I mean, I guess I should thank my past self for at least picking someone hot. I hear a knock at the dorm door and walk over opening it without thinking. As I open it I regret not putting a shirt on. It's our neighbor. I can feel his stare and I blush. "C-come in?" I say stepping aside. He nods and walks in. I close the door walking over go him. "Look, um. Tony... I'm sorry about last night. I know you had to study and stuff. I wouldn't have asked you to come otherwise." He said giving me a container containing some sort of food. "Um. It's fine I like party's and stuff." I said hoping that's what he was talking about, still trying to remember last night. "Oh, And the whole sex thing." He said. I looked down trying not to blush. When I looked back up I saw the figure standing in front of me. "You look cute when you blush." He says inching closer to my face. I look into his eyes inching closer as well. "Get a room." A voice says. We both look at my roommate for ruining the moment. "My bad, want me to leave so you two can do some hip bumping?" He said. I blushed and my roommate laughed trapping something before going back into their room. "I know that you might have though if was a one night stand but. I want to see if it works out. That is if you want to see as well." He says.

"Agreed." I reply.

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