~story 8~ -Part 1-

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M/n's POV
I worked as a private photographer which meant I took photos for people in on a special request. Wedding, birthday, funeral. You name it I probably did it. Today was really special because today I got to take pictures of the one and only Tony stark. I know a lot of people only dream to be him but I rather dream to be with him. He's quiet handsome and has a somewhat good sense of humor. Both which I look in a guy. I sighed shaking the image of him out of my mind and started to email some clients that their photos where ready.

My business being as small yet popular as it is, my house made the best place for a photo shoot so I decided to make it my office. I'm mean it's basically perfect. I have all the cameras I need all the lighting and most importantly I don't have to travel away from home to do my job. However I've gotten questions from my neighbors asking if I was a prostitute considering I have people both genders come to my house almost daily. I had to explain that I wasn't and what I do for a living, I'm glad they didn't ask for any further details,m because, sometimes I do get requests for nude photos and I take them but not without a blush on my face. I heard a knock on my door making me jump I curse to myself and walk to the front door. I opened it blushing at the sight in front of me. A male with brunette hair with matching eyes. "You must be the photographer" the male said. I stared at him before moving aside to let him in. "Y-yes that would be me." I said trying to hide my blush. I stuttered?! I never stutter I thought to myself. We walked over to my office and walking in the hall I looked in the mirror seeing that the male was staring at my butt. I felt my face burn with blush as we entered my office. "U-um which photos would you like to get done first?" I said turning on the lights. "How about the professional and then we could move on to the nude~?" He said looking around the room. "S-sure y-yeah we can do that." I said. I pointed to the chair in front of the camera taking the lens cap off. I looked into the sight getting Annette view. "Turn your head a little to your right." I said.

After taking a bunch of professional photos I almost forgot we had nude ones next. "Do you need anything to drink?" I said. I heard him mumble something. "Sorry I didn't catch that?" I said. "Oh, um. Just some water please." I nodded walking out of the room to the kitchen. I could of sworn I heard him say something about milk. I thought to myself.

After getting the water I walked back into my office to see a shirtless man. "Is it okay if I strip in here." He said. "U-um... there's a changing room but if you want to in here that's fine." I said handing him his water. I went back behind the camera changing out the battery so it won't die on my half way though taking photos, not that I wouldn't mind him staying longer but I wouldn't want to risk having him completely naked in front of me. I kept staring at him from the darkness behind the camera. Then it hit me. I don't remember having a client today who needed nude photos done. Maybe it was a last minute choice? I thought.

In between takes we switched out the chair for a table like bed. It was tall like a table yet it was very comfortable. They normally use these in photo Shoots. I also switched out the white background for a black background that way the surroundings would be a little darker. He stripped down to his boxers and he started looking at poses from a book a had gotten. After awhile he finally choose one.

I was perfectly okay with doing this all I had to do was change the lens for one that focuses on an object closer and then I'd have to not stare at his junk

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I was perfectly okay with doing this all I had to do was change the lens for one that focuses on an object closer and then I'd have to not stare at his junk.


After the photo shoot Mr. Stark had picked out the photos he wanted and I quickly got to work with the editing and lighting work while he changed. Or so I thought. "Hey, so. Are you single?" He said.

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