~story 30~

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M/n's POV

I woke up to see that Tony was still dead asleep next to me. I smiled before kissing his forehead and getting out of bed. I decided I would do something a little different today, and make breakfast. Just thinking about it gave me a headache. Normally Tony and I always got take out or just bought some snacks but today was, sort of special. AKA: I felt like doing something nice for Tony. He works really hard down in his "lab" and I wanted to do something special today, I also didn't have to go to work until noon for some reason.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen opening up my laptop, that sat on the counter. I quickly searched up some breakfast recipes, The first thing that came up was a picture of an egg sitting in some sort of omelet. I quickly checked the ingredients before pulling them out, one by one. seeing we had all the ingredients, I quickly grabbed a bowl and got to work.

When I got done I fixed the table and set the silverware. I then proceeded to go upstairs to see Tony still dead asleep in bed. I smiled before walking over to the bed sitting down on the edge. My friends always told me I was the 'parent' of Tony. And now I see it. I softly shake Tony causing him to groan. I smiled before shaking him again. He mumbled something before swatting my hand away. I only chuckled before planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "Babe, Cmon your breakfast is going to get cold." I said softly. He just turned over into his back slowly opening his eyes, having them land on me. I smiled before bending down again kissing his rough lips. He wrapped his hands around my neck, deepening the kiss. I pulled back a little, resting my forehead on his. I stared into his brown eyes and he stared back into mine. "Carry me?" He mouthed. I looked to the side for a moment like I was trying to debate whether or not I wanted to. I looked back to him before stripping him of the bedsheets exposing his shirtless body and sweat pants only wearing lower half. I then wrapped my hands behind his thighs letting him wrap his legs around my waist. I kissed him one more time before picking him up off of the bed and carried him downstairs to the kitchen table, which sat our warm breakfast.

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