- Updates & Future Ideas -

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Heyo fellow peoples? I know I haven't been updated recently so I decided to tell you what I (Kind of) have in store for you.

1) I'm looking at ideas/prompts

2) school 

3) Drama

4) Updates

So. I'm basically all out of ideas to the point where I can't find the motivation to write.  :/ 

School is kind of self-explanatory and so much drama has been going on. from losing a pet, almost losing a friend, and so on. 

NOW: for the updates.

I know it seems real early (I mean it's like... 110 days away) BUT. I am planning on doing a Christmas book. I'm sure it'll be Tony Stark x Male reader, so you do have that to look forward to. I'm basically planning on doing 12 days of writing AND if anyone wants it, some facts about me. I won't get to personally but there should be a fact about me at the end of every chapter. I don't really know if there will be a Q&A, I mean unless you want me to, It's kind of all up to you guys. I'll also TRY to make some sort of art (even though I suck at drawing >^<) 


I'll REALLY try to update if you have any ideas of what you want to see you can leave a comment or PM me If that's even a thing? 



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