~Story 31~

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M/n's POV
I got up early debating whether or not I should work or just mess around. I decided to do a little bit of both and grabbed my laptop from upstairs, bringing it downstairs. I brought it to the living room and opened it up. I sat down on the couch leaning over to the table where the laptop sat.

I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast yet so I walked into the kitchen. I looked into the fridge after opening it, eyes not leaving one item unlooked at. I decided on making some bacon and eggs for Tony and I. I felt a little embarrassed realizing I had NO idea how to turn this stupid stove on. Too embarrassed so look up how to do it, I decided to look and see if there was any cereal. I heard footsteps and I turned my head towards the stairs seeing Tony lazily walking down the stairs running a hand through his hair. I smiled and walked towards him, kissing his forehead.

He stood up on his tippy-toes kissing my lips and I kissed back, wrapping my hands around his waist to deepen the kiss. He were like that for a while before we broke the kiss for air. We placed our foreheads together before I pecked his lips one more time and walked over to the couch.

I was about to grab my laptop, but Tony slid into my lap. I chuckled and kissed him again as he turned the tv on, using the remote.

What can I say? Tony always occupies the space for my laptop on my lap.

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