Chapter 2

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Y/N - your name ~ H/C - hair color ~ E/C - eye color ~ F/C - favorite color ~

S/F/C - second favorite color ~ F/F - favorite food ~ F/D - favorite drink ~ P/N - pet name

(may add more in the future (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)

Your POV

I walked into the café, it's warm, vanilla scented air greeting me along with a little chime from the bell above the door as I stepped inside. I shivered slightly from the sudden change in temperature and walked up to the counter. A green haired meif'wa stood smiling. I had seen her before at the maid café down the street.

"Hello ma'am!~" she chirped.

"Hello. May I please get a F/D and F/F?" I asked her, giving her a sweet smile.

"Of course! Nya!~ Your number is 126!" she sang, handing me a small receipt with a large "126" at the top and my order at the bottom.

I thanked her and took it from her and sat down, taking a sketch pad out of my messenger bag and began to draw a couple sitting across from me sharing a doughnut. They both looked to be in their mid-twenties. I exaggerated their features and made them tall and skinny, along with the furniture they were sitting on.  Art isn't something that is done in 5 minutes, but by then, I had only gotten the armature for the man done before a high-pitched "126!" rang out.

I scooted my chair back, leaving my sketchpad on my table to got get my order. I thanked the brown haired girl and payed. I sat back down, ready to enjoy my food while I finish sketching.


About half an hour later, the man of the couple stands and walks over to me. I'm honestly scared, and praying that he doesn't make a scene or worse, get me in trouble with the law.

He stops by my side and I look up at him.

"Yes? C-can I help you?" I said, hoping I didn't sound rude.

"Well, I noticed you were looking me and my wife and I thought that you were taking notes or something, but I realize now that you were drawing us. And hey, it looks outstanding!" he said. His voice was low and raspy, despite his small size. He signaled to his wife to come over. Her heels clacked against the tile floor as she made her way across the café and stood at her husband's side, peering over my shoulder.

"Goodness! This is amazing! You truly have a talent, my dear!" she said sweetly.

"Um, thank you!" I said and smiled nervously at them.

"Say, would you mind selling it to us? I buy it from you for forty." said the man, standing up straight, and reaching into his back pocket.

"Forty?  Sir, I couldn't! I will happily sell it but are you sure about that much?" I said, shaking my head.

"Forty is the least." he said with a chuckle, taking out his wallet and opening it.

"Well, that's great! Let me sign it real fast." I said, scribbling my signature down and the bottom right corner and carefully tore it out of my sketchpad. The man handed me forty bucks, took the picture and thanked me, walking out of the café with his wife's arm linked through his.

I smiled to myself and finished the last bit of my drink and wiped up the table. I've always done that since I was little. I placed five dollars under my cup as a tip and left the café, finding it humorous that I left with more money in my wallet than when I came here. 

The sun was completely down when I left, it just barely making the dark blue sky around it a light pink and purple as it set. I contemplated calling a taxi or an uber to take me home, but I figured it was fine to walk home by the light of the streetlights.


A few minutes after walking, I reached the first house of the neighborhood. I turned left, and my phone pinged. I crossed the street and leaned up against a lamppost to read it my notification. My news app had sent me an alert; "Whole Neighborhood Blown to Smithereens After Residents Return from Love Love Paradise for a Group Vacation!" This stuck my interest and I decided I would read more once I was home. It was now pitch black, and I hated the dark. I began to speed walk home, thinking about the news article.


I quickly unlocked my door, where I was greeted my P/N weaving in between my legs excitedly and meowing. I laughed and went to find a bag of food to feed him.

After feeding P/N, I sat down on my sofa and took my boots and socks off, and rubbed them on the rug, making them feel tingly. I took my phone out again and opened it to the news app. I clicked the article and began to read:

"Residents of 1st My st. have come home to a big surprise, finding all of their homes blown to bits! The Ro' Meave inc. claimed to be part of the misunderstanding, thinking that the residents have moved out, and decided to demolish their homes to build new ones. Luckily, none of the residents in the area were hurt. Because of the mistake, the Ro' Meave inc. promised to return every possession that was lost in the demolishing."

I decided to stop reading and decided to call Katelyn. 1st My st is where she and her friends lived. It was on the complete other side of town, but I needed to see if they were okay or needed anything.

(K- Katelyn Y- You)

Y- Hey!

K- Hello.

Katelyn sounded exhausted, but I shook it off, wanting to know what happened.

Y- I just read the news, I'm so sorry about your homes!

K- It's not your fault. We're all just planning on hopping locations for a bit until we find permanent homes. Apparently Travis blew up his home, which he shares with the guys. We got here and saw their home blown up and soon after, ours were destroyed too.

Y- That's awful! Hey how about you guys come stay with me?

K- I don't think you could fit all of us in your home, Y/N. Thanks though.

Katelyn let out a small laugh.

Y- Wait no I didn't mean that I mean that there were houses-

Katelyn cut me off and proceeded to speak.

K- Hey sorry I've got to go. We're having trouble checking into a hotel. I'll try to call or text you back later. Cya.

Y- But-!

I heard a click at the other end of the line as she hung up. I sighed and hung up. I was pretty tired from doing chores earlier today and I needed to get to bed to watch the cat-lady's cats tomorrow while she went shopping. I decided to text Katelyn in the morning about the houses for sale. I walked into the kitchen and plugged up my phone, setting it down on the counter. I walked to a bowl of fruit on the counter and grabbed an apple, washed it, and climbed up my stairs to go lie down, with P/N trailing after me.

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