Chapter 4

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Y/N - your name ~ H/C - hair color ~ E/C - eye color ~ F/C - favorite color ~

S/F/C - second favorite color ~ F/F - favorite food ~ F/D - favorite drink ~ P/N - pet name

(may add more in the future (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)


"First day of High School." I said looking at myself in the mirror. "First day of a brand new school. It's just like... walking into your old school... right?" I took a deep, shaky breath and stared at myself and forced a smile. "You've got this Y/N."

My uniform didn't really fit me right across the chest, but I figured I would mend it later. I didn't have the time, and this was my only shirt. Mama said she could buy another in a couple of months. I sighed and grabbed my shoes, tying the mangled laces in a messy bow.

I walked down the stairs noisily and saw mama cooking breakfast. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly, burrowing my face into her shoulder. She set down the spatula and hugged me back. Her work uniform smelt like cheap laundry soap, but like her none-the-less.

"Have a great first day, sweetie!" she said, walking out the door, her heels echoing down the apartment hall.  I ran to the doorway and waved bye to her, wishing her a great first day too.

After I ate, it was 6:20 am already, so I figured I would start walking to school. I grabbed an old, gray sweatshirt and slipped it on, feeling a bit better now that my uniform shirt was covered. I pulled my schoolbag over my shoulder and walked out the door and locked it before heading off to my new high school, Phoenix Drop High


I arrived earlier than I had hoped. It was only around 6:40 and school didn't start until 7:20. First my uniform, now I have to bear to be around people  for forty minutes? I groaned and sat on the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. The front doors of the school were still locked until the first bell. I looked around at the courtyard, already filled with students. A group of werewolves were playing with a Frisbee and I had the urge to go and talk to them. When I was a freshman at my old school, I was really good at Werewolf Class, and hung out with a lot of werewolves. But this was a new school. And I'm a sophomore now at a new school.

I decided to stay where I was and continue looking at other students. A group of a few people, who appeared to be a year or more older than me were laughing. I overheard one of the girls talking, it was hard not to.

"Oh! I really miss Laurence~Kun and Garroth~Kun! They were so great to have around!" said the high-pitched voice. The owner of the voice was from a pink-haired Meif'wa.

"We all do Kawaii~Chan, but they are at college now. I'm sure over the summer we can all get together again." said a girl with blue hair. Her voice was much lower.

I turned away from them, not really caring about the conversation they were having and decided to get a water from the vending machine across the courtyard. A blue-haired boy was leaning against it and reading something on his phone. I fed a dollar bill into the machine and punched "A4" into the keypad. The water didn't move.

"Oh for the love of-" I started, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment. I got easily flustered over the smallest things.

I slammed the "Money return" button but nothing happened. "Are you serious? I guess inanimate objects hate me today." I said sighing, starting to walk off.

"Hey, wait!" said a voice behind me. It was pubescent, but cute. I spun around and saw the blue haired boy walking up to me.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked him.

"You just didn't do it right is all." he responded.

"Do what right??" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Just c'mon. I assume you're new here since everyone knows this machine is busted unless you give it a good-- kick!" he said slamming a kick into the side of the machine. The water fell out and landed with a loud, metallic clang in the pick up spot.

"Oh. Wow, uh thanks." I said, giving him a half smile and taking the water out. "I'll be sure to remember that."

"No problem. Hey, what homeroom do you have?" he said, smiling brightly.

"Huh? Oh. I- uh. It's in my bag. One second." I cracked open the water and took a swig before reaching into my bag and pulled out my slightly crumpled schedule.

"I have... Miss Chrest. And you?" I asked him putting the schedule back.

"Awe man. I have Mr. Moors. Too bad." he sighed.

I stood up and opened my mouth to say something but the bell rang. "Oh! I've got to go. Thanks for helping me out!" I said running off.

"Hey, wait! What's your name?!" he called after me.

I twisted my body around and yelled "Y/N!" and spun back around, racing to homeroom.

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