Chapter 13

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Hey, just quick A/N! If you already have green eyes, just pretend they're turning brighter and more vibrant. Kinda like Travis's eyes. Also, please be sure to read the A/N at the end of the chapter! Mk that's all, enjoy the story!!!


Your POV

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I sat up, angry at whoever or whatever woke me. I stared at my reflection in my vanity mirror across from me and realization hit me like a fist. We're still cursed. Last night wasn't a dream. I shook the anger away. I can't let this curse get the better of me. It's only day two. I threw the sheets off me and ran to the mirror. Lucinda had told us our eyes will begin to green, and sure enough, when I peered into them, the color was already beginning to turn. They were oddly pretty, yet they still gave me the chills. I diverted my attention from my reflection and walked out of my room. The footsteps were still stomping. 

I rounded the corner of the hall, following the sound, and another realization hit me. Aphmau was here. I walked to her bedroom door and knocked lightly. Last night she had called Aaron and briefly told him what was happening. She must've reassured him that she was fine at least ten times. The bedroom door cracked open to reveal my friend's big brown eyes. They were also beginning to change color, already having a green rim around the iris. 

She relaxed slightly at the sight of me and opened the door all the way. "Good morning, Y/N... D-did I wake you?" she asked, her voice small. I wanted to yell at her, angry that she woke me, but I quickly composed myself, pushing the curse-anger away. Aphmau must have noticed the sudden anger in my eyes because she backed away and cowered. "S-sorry..." I began. "This curse is really bugging me and I've only been awake less than ten minutes." Aphmau regained her control of herself and she gave me a sad smile. "Same here... It's so scary to have this much anxiety. I could barely sleep!" she exclaimed, rubbing her eyes. 

I returned the smile nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Anger seems to be the one emotion that keeps returning. But last night I had a meltdown over a cat food commercial, can you believe it?" I said, laughing at the memory of me sobbing because I felt bad for the dead fish in the cans. Aphmau gave me a hearty chuckle, making me smile. "Y-yeah, that's pretty funny. Not the emotional breakdown, the reason for it, I mean." 

I laughed again and began to walk away. "I'm going to make breakfast, you good with eggs and bacon?" 

I heard Aphmau laugh again. "Totally! I love bacon!" 


Zane's POV

I woke up, groggy and wanting to go back to sleep. To just stay bundled up and curled into a ball. My eyes and head hurt, but that was the last of my worries right now. Singing was being heard from the bathroom, which I wouldn't mind if it weren't so loud. I groaned and threw my covers off me and stomped to the bathroom. 

I pounded my fist on the door. "HEY! KEEP IT DOWN! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" I yelled. I heard the faucets of the shower squeak and the sound of water and the singing come to a stop. The door flew open suddenly to reveal a dripping wet, half-naked, Laurance. I was thankful for the towel he had wrapped around his waist, or else I would've gouged my eyes out with a spoon. 

"What? Was my singing just too angelic and you just had to get up to hear it?" he purred. I growled. "No, you creep! I want you to shut up so I can sleep! And put some clothes on!" I hollered. Laurance made a pouty face. "Awe, why? I think my body looks rather good, don't you?" 

I smacked my hand on my face and sighed. "Just... just go," I looked back up at Laurance who looked like he was either very confused or was going to puke. Possibly both. He smacked his hand to his mouth and backed away. "Agh! I know I like my body and my singing, but I don't have that big of an eg-oh my gosh," He gasped and raced to the bathroom mirror and leaned so close to it he looked like he was going to kiss it. "Curse eyes," he muttered. My brow furrowed in confusion.

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