Chapter 6

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Y/N - your name ~ H/C - hair color ~ E/C - eye color ~ F/C - favorite color ~

S/F/C - second favorite color ~ F/F - favorite food ~ F/D - favorite drink ~ P/N - pet name

(may add more in the future (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)

Garroth's Pov (ooh Different!!)

I sat down on my bed, drying my hair with a small towel and staring into the mirror.

That girl... Y/N... She's really cute...

I smiled to myself as I thought about her and set my towel down. She smiled and laughed all the time and her E/C eyes always lit up whenever she was happy. I thought about how she joked around, and never got easily offended. She was just an overall great person, despite what little I know of her...

"Hey buddy. Ya alright?" asked Laurance as he leaned against my door frame. His hair was still damp from his shower. I jumped at his voice. "Gah! Laurance! I- uh... Y-Yeah I'm fine..." I said, shocked.

He squinted his eyes. "You like her." he smirked.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about!" I choked.

"Mhm... You know exactly who I'm talking about... Y/N." he replied.

My back stiffened and I grabbed my towel sitting next to me. "I- Get out of my room! I need to get dressed!" I said, completely embarrassed and pelted my towel at him. He ducked and ran out of my room laughing. I shook my head and slammed my door shut. I needed to get dressed.


Laurance's POV

So it's true... Garroth does like Y/N. I mean, she is pretty adorable. But I don't want this to turn into another brawl like how he and I were over Aphmau. Boy, that was a long time ago...

"What are you up to, Little Laurance?" sneered Zane, leaning up against the kitchen counter, scrolling through his phone.

"Getting something to eat. What about you Cyclops?" I grumbled back, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl on the counter.

"That's none of your business." he said, walking out of the kitchen and throwing himself onto the couch. I rolled my eyes, thinking it was most likely My Little Horsey nonsense. I walked outside and sat on the steps underneath the covered part of the house.

I was excited to see Y/N again, but I was worried that someone else might get to her before I do. I don't want to treat her like a possession, like how I did for Aph, but I liked her. even though I barely know her. I sighed and watched two birds flutter and dance around each other, chirping joyously.


Aphmau's POV

I was so excited for everyone to come over tonight! We can finally get to know Y/N better and she can join the squad! Aaron was moving furniture around and putting the heavy items away for me while I unloaded dishes, bed sheets, and other necessities. I had called for a large cheese and pepperoni pizza to be delivered here, including a small macaroni and cheese pizza.

Everyone would be here soon and our house was still looking like a post office. Boxes and suitcases were towered around us, and we tried to tuck most of it away in the bedroom, but we could only fit so much with room to still walk around in there.

I sighed, figuring that everyone else's house probably looked just as bad. I just finished putting Celestia's dog bowl out and feeding her, when the doorbell rang through the house. I ran to get it and flew the door open. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan stood with a bag of chips in each of their arms.

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