Chapter 9

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Your POV

Kacey and I caught up over lunch. Turns out that he didn't live very far from me, and that the reason he never contacted me was because his phone broke and his contacts didn't save when he got a new one. He didn't even remember Katelyn's number.

He told me about all of his soccer awards and his scoring for the Olympics. He had gotten third place and second in swimming. He handed me his phone with his photo album pulled up, filled with pictures of tropical islands from his trips, him and other teammates holding up Olympic Medals, and a whole bunch of selfies with famous Olympians.

"Kacey, this is amazing..." I breathed as I stared at a picture of a tropical island.

He chuckled and bit into his sandwich. "It was fun, but I was ready to come home. I needed to get with my family and friends again. But what a coincidence that I meet you! After all these years too!" he exclaimed after swallowing.

"I know, right! Ah, this is amazing! So, who are you in the play?" I asked.

"Just working stage crew I'm not a fan of the stage." He explained, taking another bite.

"Neither am I but Katelyn promised free bread sticks." I said and chugged down my water.

Kacey let out a snort. "You and Aph are like sisters."

"Look, Olive Garden has the besssttttt bread sticks!"

"I'm not disagreeing." He said with a chuckle


We got back to the theatre a bit later than everyone else because of end-of-lunch traffic.

"There you two are! Ok, we need to measure you all for costumes, then you can go home! I promise! Ok, Y/N and Garroth go to Kawaii~Chan to get measured," Katelyn scolded.

I said a quick "Cya." to Kacie before following Garroth to the pink haired Meif'Wa.


I got home around 4pm. Katelyn asked me and a few others to help pick up the place before we went home. I didn't want to be rude, and I had nothing better to do once I got home so I obliged.

After cleaning, and a quiet ride home, I walked through my front door and breathed in the smell of home. I lazily threw my purse to the floor and crashed on the couch, falling asleep almost instantly. Its been a long day.


Kacey's POV

I'm overwhelmingly excited to have seen Y/N again. She has been my best friend for a long time, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

I sat in my car for a while, thinking everything over. My trips and the friends I've made were great, but nothing beats seeing an old friend. I smiled to myself and drove in silence. Moths were dancing around the streetlights that were flickering on as the sun began to set. I glanced at the digital clock on my car. 6:03 pm.

My car groaned to a stop in the parking lot of an old apartment building. I was on the lookout for a new home near my family and friends, but so far, there hasn't been much luck. There are still plenty of houses for sale around Y/N, Katelyn and their friends, but I just can't afford it right now.

Katelyn had offered me to stay at her house with Kawaii~Chan, but I said that I didn't want to disturb their privacy. But after climbing up the five flights of old, broken stairs, I was beginning to regret my decision.


Zane's POV (play the music, it adds to the "feel." play again if it finishes and you're not done)

Plays. I don't like them. I was Tybalt in last year's Romeo and Juliet, but only because: 1) I got to kill little Laurance, and 2) I eventually die.

I unlocked the door to the house, clutching my bag tightly. I had just come from Aphmau's house after having a tiny "pony party" and I still wanted it to remain a secret. Aphmau said that no one is bound to know (with a obnoxious giggle) and proceeded to brush Flarity's hair.

I swear that girl is crazy, but she's my best friend, so I love her. I snuck up to my room quietly and shut the door. I noticed a picture sitting on my desk on top of an old scrapbook, the moonlight hitting it just right. I set my bag down and picked up the picture. An old photograph of me, my brothers, Aph, and a girl. I couldn't recall her name all that well. Maybe it started with an A? An M? I couldn't remember. It could be anything. Blurry memories swept across my mind. I sat down in the old chair, it groaning as my weight forced onto it. I picked up the scrapbook and slowly looked through the pages. Another picture of us four, barely older. Possibly in elementary school.

Another of what looks to be the same girl, but much older, this time she looked to be in High School. She was laughing. Aphmau was making a silly face and Garroth and I looked to be chuckling in the background. Another was a selfie of me and that girl. Another of she and Vylad, another with Aph, with Garroth, with Lucinda, with Katelyn, with Kawaii~Chan. My heart pounded as I kept looking. I came across a last picture, with a newspaper article taped to the back. It was the girl again. Her hair hung in her eyes and she was smiling again. An eye was barely visible behind her hair. Her nose was red and dotted with light freckles. Her lips were chapped and pale.

I turned the picture over to the article:

"MISSING: Ena Quill

SEX: F  AGE: 17  D.O.B.: 02/15/1991

LAST KNOWN LOCATION: Phoenix Drop, Phoenix Drop High Public School / Phoenix Drop Hospital

INFO: Ena Quill recently went missing after her graduation ceremony. According to friends of hers, that would like to not be named, said that her Mother was ill in a hospital and left right after the ceremony to see her. She never communicated to her friends afterward. Search teams are on the lookout for her currently..."

The story ended there at the ripped end of the paper. Frustrated, I threw the pictures aside.

Ena. That name was so familliar...

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